Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai - Smilies
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'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling. If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept. Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies. Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies; using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description.

If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face!

Standard Smilies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:yes Yes Yes
:thud thud thud
:mischief Mischievous Mischievous
:lech lech lech
:grumpy Grumpy Grumpy
:luv2 Love 2 Love 2
:P Stick Out Tongue Stick Out Tongue
:love Love 1 Love 1
:D Big Grin Big Grin
:irked Irked Irked
:shakehead Shakes Head Shakes Head
:) Smilie Smilie
:no No No
:innocent whistles innocently whistles innocently
:( Frown Frown
:headache Headache Headache
:o Embarrassment Embarrassment
;) Wink Wink
:cool Cool Cool
:rolleyes Roll Eyes (Sarcastic) Roll Eyes (Sarcastic)
:tired Tired Tired
:eviltongu Evil Tongue Evil Tongue
:tipsy Tipsy Tipsy
:dead2 Dead2 Dead2
:eyebrow Eyebrow Eyebrow
:gnash Gnash Gnash
:mad Mad Mad
:ytongue Tongue Tongue
:puke puke puke
:yrolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes
:ysmile Smile Smile
:yredface Redface Redface
:ymad Mad Mad
:yfrown Frown Frown
:ybiggrin Biggrin Biggrin
:yeek Eek Eek
:grouphug Group Hug Group Hug
:eek EEK! EEK!
:ycool Cool Cool
:yconfused Confused Confused
:confused Confused Confused
:laugh Laugh Laugh
:wave Wave Wave
:spew Spew Spew
:thumbsup Thumbs Up Thumbs Up
:twink Wink Wink
:tconfused Confused Confused
:tcool Cool Cool
:teek Eek Eek
:woohoo: Woohoo Woohoo
:tfrown Frown Frown
:thankx: Thankx Thankx
:tmad Mad Mad
:banana1 Crazy Banana1 Crazy Banana1
:ooo: Ooo Ooo
:tredface Redface Redface
:happy1: Happy1 Happy1
:trolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes
:eh: Eh Eh
:tsmile Smile Smile
:ywink wink wink
:ttongue Tongue Tongue
:tbiggrin Biggrin Biggrin
:banana2 Crazy Banana 2 Crazy Banana 2
:weep weeping weeping
:idea Idea Idea
:shrug Shrug Shrug
:think Pondering Pondering
:heart heart heart
:dead dead dead
:evillaugh Evil Laugh Evil Laugh
:curse Curse Curse
:trout Large Trout Large Trout
:cry Cry Cry
:comfort Comfort Comfort
:caa Confused and Angry Confused and Angry
:angel angel angel
:drunk drunk drunk
:alien alien alien
:hat bday hat bday hat
:gun gun gun
:shutup Shut up Shut up
:ayupanao AyuPan Acoustic Orchestra AyuPan Acoustic Orchestra
:demonange angel/demon angel/demon
:coffee coffee coffee
:bat bat bat
:freak freak freak
:angrygrou angrygroup angrygroup
:boom boom boom
:foff f off f off
:munch munch munch
:nva neo vs agent neo vs agent
:eyes eyes eyes
:sleeping sleeping sleeping
:tomato tomato tomato
:dark dark dark
:barber barbershop barbershop
:inner inner inner
:ilukiss big kiss big kiss
:popcorn popcorn popcorn
:crazy crazy crazy
:robot robot robot
:happybday happybday happybday
:trinity matrix trinitiy matrix trinitiy
:icecream ice cream ice cream
:furious furious furious
:rings rings rings
:blockhead blockhead blockhead
:group group smilies group smilies
:scry sad cry sad cry
:loony loony loony
:leftout left out left out
:newbie newbie newbie
:phase phase phase
:blockhead blockheads blockheads
:xfiles xfiles xfiles
:helpcheer help cheer up help cheer up
:chibidemo chibidemon chibidemon
:shughug hug hug hug hug
:colorjump color jump color jump
:transport transport transport
:doodle doodle doodle
:chem chemistry chemistry
:wtf wtf wtf
:sdevil devilish devilish
:yingyang ying yang ying yang
:angel1 angel1 angel1
:rifle rifle rifle
:stump stumped stumped
:rainbow rainbow rainbow
:conhuh huh confused huh confused
:mini mini mini
:spazzed rainbow smiles rainbow smiles
:xmas xmas xmas
:giftxx gift for xx gift for xx
:butterfly butterfly butterfly
:clapclap applause applause
:littleang little angel little angel
:nidea new idea new idea
:afro afro afro
:flicker flicker flicker
:devilish devilish devilish
:vhot hot hot
:cyborg cyborg cyborg
:yawn yawn yawn
:supermad Mad Mad
:sbye bye bye bye bye
:colors colors colors
:spinning spinning spinning
:mgagged monkey gagged monkey gagged
:mgrin monkey grin monkey grin
:mlove monkey in love monkey in love
:minno monkey innocent monkey innocent
:msick monkey sick monkey sick
:mcool monkey cool monkey cool
:msneaky monkey sneaky monkey sneaky
:mtongue monkey tongue monkey tongue
:msupr monkey suprised monkey suprised
:mspeech monkey speechless monkey speechless
:mhappy monkey happy monkey happy
:mconfused monkey confused monkey confused
:mshock monkey shocked monkey shocked
:mmad monkey mad monkey mad
:mwink monkey wink monkey wink
:icon_matr Icon Matrixfight Icon Matrixfight
:msad monkey sad monkey sad
:punch Punch Punch
:hahano Hahaha...No Hahaha...No
:iamevil I am Evil I am Evil
:raincloud Rain Cloud Rain Cloud
:usaidwat You Said What You Said What
:mtwins the twins the twins
:glomped Glomped Glomped
:shimmy the shimmy the shimmy
:bounce Bouncing Ball Bouncing Ball
:nudge Nudge (Hitting on) Nudge (Hitting on)
:backoff Stop Squeezing Me!!! Stop Squeezing Me!!!
:bgiggle Giggle Giggle
:bbarf Barf Barf
:kameha Kamehameha! Kamehameha!
:bigbslap Bitch Slap Bitch Slap
:shihi hi hi hi hi
:meditate Meditation Meditation
:strike strike strike
:vbusy Alot of Work Alot of Work
:faint Faint Faint
:kick Kick Kick
:lmfao Laughing My Ass Off Laughing My Ass Off
:blove In Love In Love
:bdig Digging your own hole Digging your own hole
:sarclap Sarcastic Clap Sarcastic Clap
:vsad very sad very sad
:bringit Bring it on! Bring it on!
:rambo rambo rambo
:planning Evil Planning Evil Planning
:untied Your shoes are untied Your shoes are untied
:lonely Lonely Lonely
:devious Devious Devious
:syeah BooYeah! BooYeah!
:fatality Finish Him! Finish Him!
:plot Plotting Plotting
:swtf what the? what the?
:dumbfound Dumbfounded Dumbfounded
:nahnah nah nah nah nah
:rubeyes Rubbing Eyes Rubbing Eyes
:tickle Tickle Tickle
:chef Chef Chef
:shake Handshake Handshake
:gsleep Sleeping Sleeping
:vvdrunk Hick up Hick up
:mower Mower Mower
:spam spam spam
:lookbehin Look Behind You! Look Behind You!
:brush tooth brush tooth brush
:jealous Jealous Jealous
:swink Wink Wing Wink Wing
:godfather God Father God Father
:yatta Yatta! Yatta!
:syesyes Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
:iamurpop I am your father I am your father
:friends Friends Friends
:cigsmile smokey smokey
:dlol Die Laughing Die Laughing
:backhand slapped up slapped up
:inlove In Love In Love
:smitten Smitten Smitten
:phew Phew Phew
:vdrunk Very Drunk Very Drunk
:vbhappy Really Happy! Really Happy!
:paperbag Paperbag Paperbag
:bawl Bawling Bawling
:bslap slap slap
:chipons Chip on Shoulder Chip on Shoulder
:mpunks punks punks
:smackdown Smackdown Smackdown
:zsleep zzzz zzzz
:hrass Harrasment Harrasment
:vevilol Very Evil Laugh Very Evil Laugh
:bshake Shake It Fast Shake It Fast
:drooly Drool Drool
:backstab Backstab Backstab
:breakdanc Breakdancing Breakdancing
:doh doh doh
:bsigh Sigh Sigh
:tsunami tsunami tsunami
:hbday Happy! Happy! Birthday! Happy! Happy! Birthday!
:notdoing I'm not doing this! I'm not doing this!
:bchuck Chuckles Chuckles
:bow39 Bowing Bowing
:nervous Nervous Nervous
:biting Biting Biting
:sheyhey hey hey hey hey
:hi5 High Five High Five
:uzi uzi uzi
:eating Eating Eating
:welcome_P Welcome Puppets Welcome Puppets
:thanks2: Thanks2 Thanks2
:thanks: Thanks Thanks

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