Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai

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-   -   New album 'Love songs' & Ayu-produced single 'Dream ON' 12/22 [IX] (http://www.ahsforum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=106145)

Cherry Dynamite 20th December 2010 08:01 AM

^ I'm using EMS too and I can track my order now.

truehappiness 20th December 2010 08:06 AM

Yeah, there's a high likelihood of being able to track it soon

However, I think you'll probably only get the "JAPAN POST LEFT FOR _________" status until tomorrow or so. Unless for some reason the packages are uber-fast and they get to your area's customs office.

melina_t 20th December 2010 08:07 AM


Originally Posted by Ranma Matsuri (Post 2586589)
@melina: I've had that happen a couple of times with them when my order wasn't shipped until around 5am EST and I got my package a day later than expected. It'll probably be already shipped when you wake up tomorrow so I wouldn't worry until then. Hopefully they ship it before it can make a real difference in the time it can reach you. :-(

Hopefully, thanks for the information! :)

freedreamer 20th December 2010 08:15 AM

Still in japan? Wow...I still can't track mine. It says no info available..zzz

ownsarai 20th December 2010 08:19 AM

Mine hasn't shipped yet from YA, its still processing...but it should be soon. I hope!

toniayu 20th December 2010 08:20 AM

aaaaaaah!!!!!!!I Won a gift on yesasia *O*,in my order say:
Love songs (Jacket C)(Limited Edition)(Japan Version)
Dream ON (Jacket B)(First Press Limited Edition)(Japan Version)
ayumi hamasaki "Love songs" Lucky Draw Gift
Dream ON Original B3 Poster
this mean that i won a gift?
I'm soo~happy now *_____*

nanakopy87 20th December 2010 08:26 AM

i guess the EMS guy haven't/just picked up the parcel from CDJ company.i experienced this once where they said they shipped it at around 4-5pm but i can only track after 9pm

truehappiness 20th December 2010 08:26 AM

From the brand new Love songs blog:

So gorgeous, huh?!

freedreamer 20th December 2010 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by nanakopy87 (Post 2586667)
i guess the EMS guy haven't/just picked up the parcel from CDJ company.i experienced this once where they said they shipped it at around 4-5pm but i can only track after 9pm

Agh ok. Bah, I'm kinda resigned to getting it tmr

AyUmIXx 20th December 2010 08:36 AM

oh my..so gorgeousss!!!
that's totally LP size..
can't wait for mineee!

Masamune 20th December 2010 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by lilchan (Post 2585848)
I can hear why since there's that same incessant beats with strings in the background, though sending mail pales in vocal strength and the chorus isn't as fast, and composition is a bit simpler.

same here just listened right now!!!n_n

Chibi-Chan 20th December 2010 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by ExodusUK (Post 2586648)
I am praying all u guys receive ur copies soon

That's what I do all the past weeks for everybody and especially ME!!! XD

Earth_maiden 21st December 2010 04:48 PM

my copy left Japan at 5:51am this morning, and there's been no updates since. I'll have a giant sad if it doesn't come before xmas, since it's my xmas present and I want to spend the day listening to the album and watching the DVD! :thud

chocopockymaster 21st December 2010 09:14 PM

My copy just came in the mail~*~

neuteka 21st December 2010 09:43 PM

you guys are so lucky to get yours by the end of the year... I have to wait until the 4th (of January! ) to get mine D :

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