Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai

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Pieces_of_SEVEN 17th December 2010 05:57 PM

New album 'Love songs' & Ayu-produced single 'Dream ON' 12/22 [IX]
You know the deal.

Orders are starting to be shipped!!


hud 17th December 2010 06:00 PM

I'm so pissed off 'cause AHS keeps crashing everytime and there's no leak

ayufan- 17th December 2010 06:02 PM

every time when AHS is unavailbe i had hope for a leak, but agai and again i was dissapointed

Pieces_of_SEVEN 17th December 2010 06:02 PM

^^I know right!
It's annoying.

Although I did wake up thinking it would be leaked...again. lol

StarSUCKER 17th December 2010 06:10 PM

Yeah, every time I see "AHS is temporarily unavailable" or that database error page, I get this little twinge of hope, even though I know it's nothing. >_<

Btw, I know this was a couple of pages back in the previous thread, but I just want to put out there that if you order from eBay, make sure it's from a user IN JAPAN. Even if everything looks legit, avoid Taiwan and Hong Kong users. No offense to anyone living in those areas, but you know how bootlegs are. Even if the user says it's an Avex Taiwan/HK release, I wouldn't believe it without great risk. :no

Anyway, we're so spoiled, aren't we? Clamoring for a leak. I mean think about it...that is REALLY SPOILED. :laugh Myself included, of course--I'm probably one of the most impatient right now! :headache

Pieces_of_SEVEN 17th December 2010 06:19 PM

^^Yeah, I got a bootleg RAINBOW a few years ago...I was so pissed!

StarSUCKER 17th December 2010 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by Pieces_of_SEVEN (Post 2584184)
^^Yeah, I got a bootleg RAINBOW a few years ago...I was so pissed!

I got a bootleg RAINBOW and I am... from a store downtown...this was when I was still new to JPop (2003) and clueless about bootlegs. They were couple of those realistic-looking bootlegs, but unfortunately the CD printing was really cheap and scratched off easily. I remember being SO MAD when I learned they were fakes...:grumpy Of course, now I'd know better, esp. since they don't have the Avex logo, and I've since bought legit copies. I cut up the bootleg booklets and made a collage for my wall, so that's something I guess. :)

Pieces_of_SEVEN 17th December 2010 06:31 PM

SO I realized last night that there's no generic ballad album track per usual (curtain call, Secret, meaning of Love, etc.) and I'm pleased!

sending mail (upbeat)
do it again (upbeat)
November (rock ballad-ish?)
Thank U (cutesy upbeat)
Like a doll (upbeat)
Love song (rockish and upbeat)

so...very interesting. haha

rakeru 17th December 2010 06:32 PM

^^That sucks!

You mean to tell me I battled with the crash page on and off all day for no leak? >.<

Michan 17th December 2010 06:33 PM

Ahs crashed for nothing =(.

lollipop sophie 17th December 2010 06:42 PM

WOW still no leak............ I went to work came back hoping for a leak :( went to sleep
(kind of) got back up no leak.....
anyway hopefully I can get some extra money to buy the new album!!! probably shouldn't though I've bought way to much stuff for my self already but I'm tempted since I like her new song!!

pepper 17th December 2010 06:43 PM

You know, it's a vicious circle

AHS crashed, someone told somebody that is crashing, so everybody thinks that there is a leak, and everyone click f5 furiously and.. thats why it crashing. XD

StarSUCKER 17th December 2010 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by Pieces_of_SEVEN (Post 2584195)
SO I realized last night that there's no generic ballad album track per usual (curtain call, Secret, meaning of Love, etc.) and I'm pleased!

Probably because there were so many damn ballads in the singles, lol. Not that that's a problem, but it might have seemed kinda superfluous to add another ballad to the album. Fine by me; seems like there's going to be a nice balance this way. This album already seems, by the previews, that it's gonna have really good flow; much better than R'n'RC (in that department).


Originally Posted by rakeru (Post 2584196)
^That sucks!

You mean to tell me I battled with the crash page on and off all day for no leak? >.<

Yup...pretty much everyone's on at once simply out of anticipation. I can't imagine how difficult it's gonna be to get AHS to load when it really does leak. Dah.

Edit: lol @ pepper--exactly right.

Linoa62 17th December 2010 06:47 PM

Dream ON pics leaked on AyuChina.

And for those who didn't see it in the previous thread, this pic has been uploaded on baidu a few hours ago.

StarSUCKER 17th December 2010 06:48 PM

Oh lawd...getting close...

Ranma Matsuri 17th December 2010 06:48 PM

I wouldn't say to avoid Taiwan/HK users at all. Usually when a Taiwanese/HK seller says they are selling the Avex Taiwan or HK releases, it's legit. You can tell by the listing, pricing and the stock. Bootlegs are usually extremely cheap, the seller usually has a ton of them in stock and they always try to avoid mentioning which company printed it. It's the ones that claim they are selling the Japan release *brand new* for an abnormally low price that you have to look out for. Plus, a seller can easily say they're in Japan but they're not. I've come across quite a few that in the feedback section, the buyer says the package was postmarked from China. You just gotta be careful. :P

Back on topic: Yeah, I was quite disappointed to find that 10 minutes of refreshing only rewarded me with the Happy Box. >___>

My Rainbow 17th December 2010 06:52 PM

I just can't wait any longer!!! hahahahaha!! I'm laughing cause I can imagine myself being so obsessed about the leak that I don't know if I should cry or laugh... very frustrating... And I realized that I never got that obsessed about a leak until this, I mean, since (m)u I've been following Ayu and I was excited, but I managed to be patient to wait until HQ leaks came out... but with Love songs It's impossible!!! I don't understand!! D:

pepper 17th December 2010 06:53 PM

Maybe at least we can get Dream ON leak. I would be happy.

StarSUCKER 17th December 2010 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by Ranma Matsuri (Post 2584213)
I wouldn't say to avoid Taiwan/HK users at all. Usually when a Taiwanese/HK seller says they are selling the Avex Taiwan or HK releases, it's legit. You can tell by the listing, pricing and the stock. Bootlegs are usually extremely cheap, the seller usually has a ton of them in stock and they always try to avoid mentioning which company printed it. It's the ones that claim they are selling the Japan release *brand new* for an abnormally low price that you have to look out for. Plus, a seller can easily say they're in Japan but they're not. I've come across quite a few that in the feedback section, the buyer says the package was postmarked from China. You just gotta be careful. :P

I guess I'm just more paranoid than most? :shrug I've just had bad experiences getting bootlegs before, and I want to be sure it NEVER happens again, especially since I can't really afford to buy replacements right now.

And you're right about false Japan location listings...but I usually go by that in addition to the feedback average/amount of ratings and what else they have on sale. There is exactly one eBayer that I currently trust as far as buying Ayu CDs, and even then I was really worried until I got my first order from him.

Er, yes; *ahem* back on topic indeed...how many other people laughed when they saw the name HAPPY BOX? Couldn't help myself. That's just a short step away from SUPER TERRIFIC HAPPY BOX!

Ranma Matsuri 17th December 2010 07:09 PM

Yeah, those pics are nice and all but where's the limited edition??? :o


Originally Posted by StarSUCKER (Post 2584218)
I guess I'm just more paranoid than most? :shrug I've just had bad experiences getting bootlegs before, and I want to be sure it NEVER happens again, especially since I can't really afford to buy replacements right now.

And you're right about false Japan location listings...but I usually go by that in addition to the feedback average/amount of ratings and what else they have on sale. There is exactly one eBayer that I currently trust as far as buying Ayu CDs, and even then I was really worried until I got my first order from him.

Yeah, that's completely understandable. I have to be very selective with my purchases too, so I check feedback obsessively and even then am nervous to press the buy button.


Er, yes; *ahem* back on topic indeed...how many other people laughed when they saw the name HAPPY BOX? Couldn't help myself. That's just a short step away from SUPER TERRIFIC HAPPY BOX!
LOL ikr? Gotta love Japan and their excessive use of hyperbole. :laugh

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