Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai

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-   -   "Colours" out July 2nd + PREMIUM SHOWCASE ~Feel the love~ starting May 30th~ [III] (http://www.ahsforum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=120156)

truehappiness 24th May 2014 06:21 AM

"Colours" out July 2nd + PREMIUM SHOWCASE ~Feel the love~ starting May 30th~ [III]
Short recap of what's gone on:
- PVs are being shot this week in LA (10 day shooting schedule)
- TA was able to sample the six new songs in ~40 second snippets and were able to download the tracks in full
- We got NOW & 4EVA (mu-mo), Lelio (radio), and What is forever love (mu-mo?) in full, waiting for the rest of the album now
- Armin van Buuren debuted the dub mix of Terminal on his radio show
- track times: XOXO - 4:18, What is forever love - 4:14, Terminal - 5:41, NOW & 4EVA - 4:35, Lelio - 3:35, Angel - 3:44
- We still don't have a title

- producers were revealed via TA blog:
XOXO - RedOne
Angel - Darkchild (Rodney Jerkins)
Lelio - Fedde le Grand
Terminal - Armin van Buuren
What is forever love - DAISHI DANCE
NOW & 4EVA - Kazuhiro Hara, arranged by Yuta Nakano


Originally Posted by tokyoxjapanxfan (Post 3070013)




2000年から14年に渡り、全国ツアーというスタイルでライヴ・エンタテインメントを極めてきたay uが あえて“プレミアム・ショーケース”という新たな挑戦を打ち出したのは、最先端の技術や演出を 取り入れ、既 成概念にとらわれないショースタイルを追求したいという想いから。
東京・大阪・名古屋の全国3都市11公演のみというプレミアムな空間だからこそ実現できる演出 や仕掛けを多 数盛り込み、これまでの概念を覆す。
さらに浜崎あゆみ史上初となる試みとして、未発表アルバムから2曲ずつ新曲を収録したCDを各 会場の来場者 に先行プレゼントするという連動施策も実施!

Tour Dates:
5/30, 5/31 6/1 - Nippon Gaishi Hall
6/12, 6/13, 6/14, 6/15 - Osaka-Jo Hall
7/3, 7/4, 7/5, 7/6 - Yoyogi Stadium

Ticket Price: 9,300 yen

- At each venue, there will be a special free cd release featuring 2 new songs from the upcoming album. For each ticket you can receive one CD.

- Nippon Gaishi Hall has Song A and Song B
- Osaka-Jo Hall has Song C and Song D
- Yoyogi Stadium has Song E and Song F
*Titles yet to be released

※CDには、2014年7月2日(水)発売予定オリジナル・アルバム収録予定の新曲の中から2曲ずつを収録 致します。

- Since 2000, Ayu has had a Japan tour each year for 14 years

Link to official site's tour info: http://avex.jp/ayu/live/tour.php?id=1000145

★2014年7月2日(水)発売 オリジナル・アルバム
通算15作目となるオリジナル・アルバムは、全米No.1ヒットを数多く手掛ける世界的なスー パー・プロデ ューサー“RedOne”、R&Bシーンを中心に活躍するトップ・プロデューサー“Rodne y Jerkins”、世界DJランキングNo.1に5度も輝いたオランダの至宝“Armin van Buuren”、ダンス・ミュージック・シーンの最前線でヒットを量産し続けるオランダ人アーティスト“F edde Le Grand”、そのメロディアスな作風とアップリフティングなDJでアジア全土を魅了する“DAISHI DANCE”ら、各国を代表する超豪華プロデューサーが参加した、ayuの新境地とも言える世界標準の傑作 誕生!
4月17日(木)からスタートするフジテレビ系ドラマ「続・最後から二番目の恋」の主題歌として 話題の新曲 「Hello new me」や、映画「BUDDHA2 手塚治虫のブッダ -終わりなき旅」主題歌として好評を博している「Pray」も収録した、まさにファン待望のオリ ジナル・フル ・アルバム!!

Album Release Date: July 2nd, 2014.
- Title yet to be released
- Album features RedOne, Rodney Jerkins (aka Darkchild), Armin van Buuren, Fedde Le Grand, and DAISHI DANCE.

Somewhat unexpectedly, we got so much info (not the covers or title of the album though) in the last few weeks that we can't really split the threads yet! Next week, we'll be able to have standalone threads for everything... hopefully. Ayu, please reveal the album title soon, lol.

jiarongisme 24th May 2014 06:51 AM

Omg I'm so obsessed with Lelio. IT'S SO GOOD.

Deep snow 24th May 2014 08:49 AM

Just heard all the previews. The album's going to be very club friendly. Unless there's a rock song involved, I think the main genres would be dance and ballad then?

All of the previews sound good, though. I'm still somewhat irked by XOXO, but if I could end up liking Feel the love, I think it's only a matter of time before I came to love XOXO.

primavera♥ 24th May 2014 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by jiarongisme (Post 3077307)
Omg I'm so obsessed with Lelio. IT'S SO GOOD.

I just want to dance to it so badly

stivenoto 24th May 2014 09:38 AM

Omg.... lelio lelio lelio lelio dj.....

Love that song so much...

Loulines 24th May 2014 11:02 AM

I feel bad, 'cause I hated the "NOW & 4EVA" title, but the song itself is amazing ♥ And there's some rock in it, like someone said "a typical Ayu song", but it's not boring, it has beautiful and nice begining, and then BOOM! ^^ It's like a calm version of "Tell All"...

"What is forever love" is much better than "ANother song" and I think I'm one of the few who actually likes Naoya in it. They both still sound better than Namie & Ken Hirai in "Grotesque" x)
And I really like how Ayu's saying/whispering the lyrics ♥

Although, when I think about how the songs are leaking one by one, and they're so good... Before the album is out, there won't be anything new and all the songs will be overplayed already :c

Minttulatte 24th May 2014 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by Loulines (Post 3077353)
Although, when I think about how the songs are leaking one by one, and they're so good... Before the album is out, there won't be anything new and all the songs will be overplayed already :c

Which is why I won't download the songs because I don't want to overplay them yet. I want the album so I can listen the whole thing over and over again. :)

November4 24th May 2014 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by Loulines (Post 3077353)
I feel bad, 'cause I hated the "NOW & 4EVA" title, but the song itself is amazing ♥ And there's some rock in it, like someone said "a typical Ayu song", but it's not boring, it has beautiful and nice begining, and then BOOM! ^^ It's like a calm version of "Tell All"...

"What is forever love" is much better than "ANother song" and I think I'm one of the few who actually likes Naoya in it. They both still sound better than Namie & Ken Hirai in "Grotesque" x)
And I really like how Ayu's saying/whispering the lyrics ♥

Although, when I think about how the songs are leaking one by one, and they're so good... Before the album is out, there won't be anything new and all the songs will be overplayed already :c

You're not alone, sister! I LOVE Urata x Ayu. He has a very gentle, fragile voice. Super excited about What is forever love? Had to wipe away a little tear when I listened to the radio rip for the first time. <3

Can we please dump her background vocalists and do PecoPrincess x Urata instead? Thanks! :D

yulio stevanus 24th May 2014 11:56 AM

Ok, lelio slay me. Because my name is julio and everyone call me Leo. So Leo + Julio = Lelio, coincident? I think not lol

freedreamer 24th May 2014 12:42 PM

hahah i was expecting the other 3 songs to leak by today...luckily not

Larien 24th May 2014 12:42 PM

I don't know if this has been discussed before, though I know someone mentioned earlier that "Lelio" (<3) might be a reference to the classical and spoken word work from 1831. If this is true, this (taken from the Wikipedia article) might be relevant:

Both the symphony and Lélio were inspired by the composer's unhappy love affairs, the symphony by Harriet Smithson, Lélio by Camille Moke, who had broken off her engagement to Berlioz, prompting the composer to contemplate suicide. Lélio is a record of the composer overcoming his despair and "returning to life" via the consolations of music and literature.
I...could see a parallel.

!Lawi! 24th May 2014 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by freedreamer (Post 3077367)
hahah i was expecting the other 3 songs to leak by today...luckily not

I know, I'd rather have the full album already to start overplaying it ! And I'm craving for Angel and XOXO !

Heavenly 24th May 2014 01:14 PM

I just realized.... This Premium Showcase, with the EDM-spirit of her new album, is the actual very good opportunity for her to play remixes during the tour !
Maybe the DJ-part of the latest CDL was a premice of what we'll get in less than 1 week .... :heart :heart

Daeklei 24th May 2014 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by Heavenly (Post 3077372)
I just realized.... This Premium Showcase, with the EDM-spirit of her new album, is the actual very good opportunity for her to play remixes during the tour !
Maybe the DJ-part of the latest CDL was a premice of what we'll get in less than 1 week .... :heart :heart

If that was true I'd be so dissapointed she did we wish on the cdl cause I love the trance mix of that song!

Earth_maiden 24th May 2014 06:23 PM

I've got Lelio and NOW & 4EVA, but I want to wait until I get the album to hear the rest, since it's my birthday present to myself. :D

js_surrealism 24th May 2014 06:42 PM

Wow I forget to check this forum for a while and so much has been updated!

Got the chance to listen to previews of the new tracks and they sound RIDICULOUSLY amazing; I honestly cannot remember the last time I got so excited about an Ayu album based on previews, I think it was either My Story or Secret.

Seems like she's finally putting out that Dance album (capital D) that we all thought she was gonna do with Party Queen and Next Level. Right now am quite in love with Lelio and Terminal. It also sounds like FTL and MGR will fit right in here.

I rly just wish Hello new me didn't exist. I think I might just delete it from the playlist when the album comes out >.>

brener 24th May 2014 07:03 PM

I don't wanna judge anything until I can listen to the entire album, so I'm waiting.. =)

Tomoyo 24th May 2014 07:14 PM

i'm in love with just about every song we've gotten off of this album. all the single/digital tracks, although i think my two least favorite songs will be Hello new me and XOXO but i won't judge XOXO until i get the full song ^^

NintendoHTF1242 24th May 2014 07:31 PM

I haven't been this excited for an Ayu album in so long. "What is forever love" is still my favorite so far. Tremendous song.

Pieces_of_SEVEN 24th May 2014 07:46 PM

I just hope someone can make a solo version of what is forever love...

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