Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai - View Single Post - [Charts+sales] A BEST 2 -- THREAD II
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Old 28th February 2007, 10:10 AM
Tasked Tasked is offline
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[Charts+sales] A BEST 2 Thread 2

I'll keep this thread updated =)


Week - Black - White
#1# --- #2 --- #1
#2# --- #13 --- #12


DATE - Black - White
02/27 - #1 --- #2
02/28 - #2 --- #1
03/01 - #2 --- #1
03/02 - #2 --- #1
03/03 - #2 --- #1
03/04 - #2 --- #1
03/05 - #2 --- #1
03/06 - #3 --- #2
03/07 - #3 --- #2
03/08 - #3 --- #2
03/09 - #3 --- #2
03/10 - #3 --- #2
03/11 - #3 --- #2
03/12 - #3 --- #2
03/13 - #9 --- #8
03/14 - #9 --- #8
03/15 - #7 --- #6
03/16 - #7 --- #6
03/17 - #7 --- #6
03/18 - #7 --- #6
03/19 - #7 --- #6
03/20 - #7 --- #6
03/21 - #13 --- #11
03/22 - #8 --- #7
03/23 - #8 --- #7
03/24 - #9 --- #8
03/24 - #9 --- #8
03/25 - #9 --- #8
03/26 - #9 --- #8
03/27 - #19 --- #18
03/28 - #18 --- #16
03/29 - #14 --- #13
03/30 - #14 --- #12
04/01 - #14 --- #12
04/02 - #12 --- #13
04/03 - #20 --- #19
04/04 - #20 --- #18
04/05 - #18 --- #17
04/05 - #19 --- #18
04/06 - #19 --- #15
04/07 - #19 --- #17
04/08 - #19 --- #17
04/09 - #17 --- #15
04/10 - n/a --- n/a
04/11 - n/a --- #19
04/12 - n/a --- #20
04/13 - #20 --- #19
04/14 - n/a --- #16
04/15 - #20 --- #17
04/16 - #17 --- #14

Week - Black sales - White sales
#1# - 470,057 (#2) - 475,284 (#1)
#2# - x97,354 (#3) - 101,894 (#2)
#3# - x44,239 (#3) - x46,634 (#2)
#4# - x21,349 (#10) - x22,667 (#9)
#5# - x13,265 (#16) - x14,168 (#15)
#6# - xx8,339 (#18) - xx8,783 (#17)

A BEST 2 sold: 1,323,933 copies (654,603 black / 669,330 white)
A BEST 2 shipped: 1,900,000 copies

MONTH - Black - White
March - #3 --- #2


Weekly J-pop
Week - Black - White
#1# - 23.81% (#2) - 24.66% (#1)
#2# - 13.00% (#1) - 12.31% (#2)
#3# - 13.15% (#2) - 11.95% (#1)
#4# - 8.65% (#2) - 10.29% (#1)
#5# - 8.94% (#2) - 9.90% (#1)
#6# - 7.00% (#2) - 7.43% (#1)

country - Black - White
Japan --- #2 --- #1

Week - part of Me
#1 --- #18
#2 --- n/a

-1st time in 36.5 years that a female artist has occupied #1 and 2 in the album charts.
-TOP 2 highest 1st week album sales in the 2007 CALENDAR year.
-TOP 2 highest selling albums in the 2007 CALENDAR year.
-1st time female artist as both the #1 and #2 in the United World Charts

Last edited by Tasked; 17th April 2007 at 08:47 PM.