Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai - View Single Post - [A] [project] ~ A WORLD IS ONE ~ DVD
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Old 29th January 2010, 08:46 PM
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^well yeah, I'm in TA so I would be able to send that e-mail! For now we still don't knwo when or where we will give it to Ayu. It's a long-term project, so for me the most important thing is to collect as meny clips as possible, cause we are a lot!! the more the better!! I've a list on the first post, 57 users in 1 day are gonna do this!! I want to give time to people to think about what they wanna do, and try and do it many times if necessary ^^!! When we will have a lot and we know we can give it to Ayu, then we will think how to do it ^^

About the video quality... of course if you can record it in a better quality it's better, but HAtix shoudl answer this question cause it's him who will convert and encode it! Not everyone can record the messages the same way...

Say, it would be crazy if in some concert venue I, for example, would be waiting outside when she does rehearsals and ask to a staff member (or band members) to say her or to Stan, that a fan who met her in London wants to give her a big present from her international fans who also did A WORLD IS ONE book?? XDD You know... I can imagina mayself waiting outside yoyogi until late (i don't care, there's taxis right? XDD) when she goes out and ask Stan... XDDD

How to join Team Ayu! ~

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