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Thread: AYUS NOSE! wth
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Old 5th May 2011, 02:16 AM
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RayJason RayJason is offline
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Originally Posted by ownsarai View Post
@RayJason~ You say you believe she hasn't had anything done, but then contradict that statement by saying a voice in your head says she is lying. OK. That really makes no sense whatsoever. Either you think she has done something or not done something. And you keep comparing her idol pictures to professional, photoshopped pictures. It doesn't work that way. How about finding some recent pictures from her TA diary with no make-up to compare? She looks the same as she did when she was younger, just more mature. And as SURREAL_RAINBOW pointed out, having veneers/oral surgery changes your face. That could be why her nose looks a bit different to you. To me, it looks pretty much the same as it has from the beginning.
Yes I believe that Ayu is telling the truth, But like many other people think it is is weird (and even strange) to imagine that her face changed that much. Eyes get bigger and nose got smaller and even the chin got pointier and that is when she matured. That is were my doubts come from, and that is why I don't really want to believe it.

However, a very few comments actually made a lot of sense, and [could] prove that Ayu didn't had any surgery at all. And again, this is a point that confuses me too.

And that is: being unsure. Not making "no sense".

+ Would you like to stop convincing me that it looks different to (just) me (In your comment it seems that you try to tell me that I am the only one who thinks she did something to her face). Thank you ~

( and this ; "To me, it looks pretty much the same as it has from the beginning."
I do not want to sound like an overacting *@!# or something, but saying pretty-much proves that you do not think that it looks 100% like her old nose. To me pretty much equals almost. )

So would that make you someone who doesn't makes sense?

Last edited by RayJason; 5th May 2011 at 02:42 AM.
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