Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai - View Single Post - 14th album 'LOVE again' out February 8th, 4th of five 15th anniversary releases [III]
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Old 27th December 2012, 08:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Pieces_of_SEVEN View Post
It's one thing if you can't afford it, but I just believe if you really love an artist you would want to support them and own their releases, not just steal them from the internet.
Ayu will live and I will keep enjoying her music and being a huge fan of her without buying her releases. I own like 1 CD with a photobook lol. Not any less of a fan.

I wonder what the 5th release will be now lol

So people are mad and disappointed still because the mini-albums weren't called or priced as singles. Okay. I get that. I just have trouble caring as much as I empathize.

Like idk. This is just how the release is. More to life than this.

Has ayu replied to the various complaints and suggestions that people seemed to have sent in an effort to be real?

Edit: it'd be nice to see sales go up if that's even possible

Ayu 💛 JASMINE 💛 Hikki 💛 Eiko 💛 MELL
♡ MUCC ♡
