Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai - View Single Post - [Charts & Rankings] The Official Oricon Thread ~A ONE~
Thread: [Charts & Rankings] The Official Oricon Thread ~A ONE~
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Old 9th April 2015, 06:48 AM
Bigtop Bigtop is offline
Beautiful Day Initiate
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Location: Bothell, WA, USA
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I'm...a bit disappointed with the sales numbers that I'm seeing. But even then I'm disappointed more with miwa as well, even if it's #2. (Probably because too much 'recycled' content, and some miwa fans may be complaining at this).

After all, in the #ayuvsmiwa fight, who's number one? Neither. Masaharu Fukuyama, that is. It turns out that Masaharu has racked up more than miwa and Ayu - COMBINED - and I have a feeling he may have racked up probably a week's worth of miwa's or Ayu's albums in just ONE DAY!

Overall, I feel that more recently we're seeing a bit too much congestion, where it seems some artists are just denying chances of #1 to others, such as Masaharu Fukuyama is doing to both Ayu and miwa. But we need to also consider about digital sales...

There is one thing that we can be happy about: Countdown Live is #1 among music DVDs, as of now.

But apparently the #1 spot for ALL DVDs in general - including movies - is Yamapi - Tomohisa Yamashita - on some domestic theatrical movie... (VAP Video!?)