Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai - View Single Post - FLOWER & Mad World (Short ver. MVs on YouTube)
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Old 17th June 2016, 04:55 PM
relmy relmy is offline
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I don't think it's too much of a stretch to view of the overdramatic acting in the video as part of the point. The exaggerated movements at the start, the way she rips the dress etc... Of course, we don't have the whole video yet, but she is teasing us with what we've seen.

It's as if her actions are part of the mask alongside the headpiece, hair, dress. Almost as if she's being over the top because when she's simple people always say "I want more".

Or it could just be that's how she acts. But she was very dramatic in Last Minute, and that felt very different to the almost on purpose way it's done in FLOWER. I'm excited for the rest.
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