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Old 15th September 2017, 06:31 PM
Chibi-Chan Chibi-Chan is offline
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Originally Posted by kendelle View Post
I feel like people are just using this topic to unfairly rip on AKB now.

You don't have to like them but a whole bunch of these comments are blanket-labeling AKB as just pedo-otaku bait based on their promotional concept (discounting the more serious and interesting lyrics they have).
Well, they simply are. I'm very sorry for those girls and I won't blame them. If I would have been asked as a twelve year old if I would like to become an idol, I sure as hell would have "agreed". But everyone who is "supporting" them who isn't a teenager anymore should really ask themselves if it's ok to support the abuse of little girls. When those girls become idols they are just children who are then trained to perform in a way so that older men will get a hard on and masturbate to pictures of them. We all know that's true. That's abuse and it's sad that they already have the impact they have.
The whole idol business, Johnny's included, is (sexual) abuse of children and teens and it's well known that those children are also abused by men in the industry on a regular basis.
When I thought it couldn't get any more disgusting, AKB and its sub groups entered the stage and topped everything we have seen before.
Those children are used by one man in order to earn money for him. And as soon as they get too "old" and aren't interesting for pedos anymore, they get thrown away like garbage. They all deserve better.
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