Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai - View Single Post - ayumi hamasaki ARENA TOUR 2018 ~POWER of MUSIC 20th Anniversary ~ [III]
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Old 7th April 2018, 09:36 PM
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CeReSu CeReSu is offline
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I think (and it is my opinion) that when you love someone (here, as a big fan), you always expecting something more.
Ayu is a model for a lot of us, and it is normal we wish for something to remember.

I listen to Ayu's music since 13 years now and I try to be objective at each new song or tour but it is not always easy to like what she does now.

I miss the time when we had singles and an album was following.
I was so excited back then. New tour felt fresh with new concepts, it was so cool at this time.

Now I just have the feeling that Ayu doesn't put her heart into her music or shows (that's how I see it, I know she does) because it is (nearly) the same thing again and again.

I'm sure she's capable of doing great and new things, even with 20 years behind her.
After all, she's Ayumi Hamasaki. She has to remember that.
She used to be the best of all. Come on Ayu

So, here my honest opinion. I love Ayu so much and I just want the better for her, but for us too, as fans. I hope the tour will surprise me when I'll see it but right now, I'm disappointed by the concept and the setlist. For an anniversary, I wished something amazing to remember in ten years

Last edited by CeReSu; 7th April 2018 at 09:39 PM.