Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai - View Single Post - TROUBLE TOUR 2019-2020 A -misunderstood- II
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Old 10th May 2019, 03:38 AM
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Did I hear Ayu vs Kumi Drama?... I'm all here for it!

Originally Posted by metropass View Post
Mentioning Kuu's new tour of recycling old concepts to justify ayu's recycling is meaningless. At least Kuu this time is telling us she is really going to recycle old stuffs. However starting from Jtb Tour every time ayu was saying something like “It must be different from the past tour” “I'm keep moving forward for this new show” “A new stage would be built from zero”, but after attending the show you found she is still recycling old materials.

And.. someone in kumi's thread said the Ku's concert idea was very original (and it is tho) and just as a joke, I thought that I should reply: Well... if you don't count ayu's tours where she keeps recycling E V E R Y T H I N G since I don't know what year But there are very sensitive fans around here...
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