Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai - View Single Post - [Koda Kumi] re(LIVE) her re(CORD) in her 199th Thread!
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Old 8th August 2019, 06:43 AM
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Corvina Corvina is offline
Crazy 4 U H-Initiate
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Kuu's manager posted this short rehearsal video from HOT HOT at a-nation Aomori on Twitter.


She captioned it with being a spoiler, so that probably means they will keep the HOT HOT remix and bringing a fan on stage for a-nation Osaka as well.


Yesterday and today Kuu explained a bit of her diet/daily habits for keeping fit for work (she was asked quite a lot about it in her last posts on Insta).

So she shared she's getting up around 5:30 am, making bentos and working out and then goes to bed a second time after that. She says like that her body feels less heavy or sluggish and she has more power for rehearsals later the day. Also, Ken-chan (she's calling her husband like that when she's not simply saying husband) can go to the gym at that time, too.
About her work diet she said she eats a lot of vegetables and drinks vegetable juice - it's all about monitoring what you eat.
When she's not actively performing, having a tour, she's not that strict with her life style.


The application round for the circle-forming with Kuu before the re(LIVE) tour dates for September has started for Koda Gumi members (4 members are chosen for every concert, so 56 in total for September).

But the more interesting thing they revealed with it are the tour logos for re(LIVE):

Sadly that's the biggest size.

「変わらないなら 変えるしかない」

Last edited by Corvina; 8th August 2019 at 08:08 AM.