Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai - View Single Post - 'オヒアの木' PV (short ver.) out on YouTube
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Old 30th July 2020, 09:29 AM
Deep snow Deep snow is offline
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I'm generally just happy with the sudden and pleasantly surprising influx of new content she's producing so far. I love how sweet and meaningful オヒアの木 and I have high hopes for Dreamed a Dream to be the Sparkle-like banger it so deserves to be

that said, this new PV does leave a lot to be desired I do appreciate the simplicity she's going for, but the execution is disappointing—and this very much has to do with the director, whose overall style I really dislike. from what I've observed so far, his direction has a knack of making otherwise-beautiful things look cheap I like the slo-mo and the B&W, but, as others have pointed out, the shaky camera seems to speak more to amateurism than directional style to me.

oh and I also thought she's holding her baby in the two wide shots we get in the video, but that might just be the fabric of her gown

I hope Dreamed a Dream gets a (more superior) PV
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