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Old 19th July 2023, 03:47 PM
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Posting my jpop/rock collection to Youtube

Wasn't quite sure what the best forum was for this post, but just letting everyone here know that I've started a youtube channel where I've been uploading everything I have that's in either native HD or that I've used AI to remaster (check out A Song For Xx from Utaban).

Grab things before it inevitably gets taken down. I still have A LOT more to upload too.

I'm avoiding uploading anything that was on TV Asahi for the time being becuase they seem to be the most militant about taking things down. Maybe at the very end I'll do a large dump of TV Asahi stuff and hope it can stay up for at least a few days.

And interesting to note some of the things I've learned while trying to upload these:

L'arc en Ciel cannot be viewed in Russia for some reason.
Namie and Johnny's groups all get dinged immediately before even posting and are essentially unable to be published at all. EXCEPT - Namie and the Super Monkeys is okay, and so is the majority of KinKi Kids stuff. Really odd.
B'z comes up with no copyright claims whatsoever on some songs, and totally blocked on others.

Last edited by SunshineSlayer; 27th July 2023 at 09:02 PM.
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