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Old 24th March 2007, 04:05 AM
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[News]Ayumi wants to sing for 7 days in Taiwan

日本流行天后濱崎步想來台灣連唱七天!?二度來台的濱崎步,在22日晚上舉辦了「媒體見面會」,總計有超過 50家的平面、電子媒體到場採訪,濱崎步開心暢談士林夜市初體驗,還說這次只能來一天真的很可惜,希望下次 可以來七天。
Japanese pop idol Ayumi Hamasaki wanted to come to Taiwan to sing for seven days!? In the press conference organized on 22nd March during her second visit, she expressed her first experience of the Shi Ling Night Market tour. She even said that it is a pity that she can only come to Taiwan for a day, and she hoping for a seven day visit next time.
身穿白色連身洋裝的濱崎步,22日晚上7點半準時出現在眾媒體面前,隨即讓現場為之瘋狂。由於濱崎步在抵台 當天就前往士林夜市,主持人黃子佼問她怎麼會想去?濱崎步表示因為上次有粉絲送了一本台灣導遊書,當時翻到 士林夜市的介紹就很想來,主持人問她感想,濱崎步笑說因為被保全團團圍住,所以什麼都沒看到,除了買冰和小 飾品外,她說看從縫隙中看到有人在鐵板上打蛋,不過不知道是什麼東西。
In a white dress, Ayumi appeared right in front of the media punctually at 7.30 p.m. on 22nd March, and caused craze across the entire scene. Because of her immediate visit to the night market right after her arrival on 21st, the host Wang Zi Jiao asked her why would she wanted to go there. Ayumi explained that it was because of a Taiwan tour guide book that was given by a fan, and she really wanted to come to the place when she flipped to the introduction page of Shi Ling Night Market. When asked about how she feels about the place, she laughs and she can’t really see anything thanks to her encircling bodyguards. Apart from buying blended ice and accessories, she peeked among the people surrounding her and saw someone knocked an egg and pour it on an iron plate, but she doesn’t know what it is.
有了士林夜市初體驗,濱崎步的台灣首日可是相當充實,工作人員一口氣買了四家鳳梨酥給她品嚐,結果終於在第 四種才吃到5年前的那家好吃的,濱崎步相當的開心。
Having a nice evening at Shi Ling Night Market certainly gave Ayumi’s a fulfilling first day in Taiwan. The staffs bought 4 Chinese-baked pineapple tarts for her to try, each made by different manufacturers and finally she was overjoyed when she recognized the 4th one is the one that she had fell in love to during her last brief visit 5 years ago.
曾以英文接受CNN訪問的濱崎步,見面會上再度展現流利英文,結果讓主持人黃子佼大喊要找個英文翻譯,笑說 自己快不行了。聊到拍攝音樂錄影帶的難忘回憶,濱崎步表示每次出國工作都要適應時差和環境,頗為辛苦,但只 要作品完美,一切都是值得的!
Having been interviewed by CNN using English, showed off her fluent English on the media conference and the host had howled for an English translator while joked that he can’t handle it anymore. When talked about the unforgettable memories during her various music video projects, Ayumi expressed her difficulties of getting use to time differentiation and environment whenever she worked abroad. But it is all worth the effort as long as her projects are perfect.
即將在24日開唱的濱崎步,被問到每次上台前有什麼習慣,她表示自己為保護喉嚨,所以只喝溫水,另外還會做 發聲練習,以呈現最完美的演出,由於她是個不太會緊張的人,有時候在演唱會後台會放音樂和工作人員跳跳舞, 來轉換個心情。
When asked about her usual habits before her stage performances, Ayumi, who will be singing on 24th March, states that she will only drink warm water in order to protect her voice, and for the sake of performance perfection she will also do voice practices. Since she is not a person that gets nervous easily, she would sometimes put some music and dance with her crew members for some relaxing.

至於聽到台北演唱會的票瞬間賣光,濱崎步說:「這次只能來一天真的很抱歉,希望下次可以連唱一個禮拜」,此 時濱崎步也用中文講了謝謝,可以感受到天后對台灣歌迷的感謝之意。濱崎步在週五會全心投入彩排,希望在24 日能讓極具紀念價值的亞洲巡迴演唱會首站有最完美的演出。

On hearing that her concert tickets being sold out in such a short notice, Ayumi said, “I am very sorry for I being only able to come here for a day, I hope that next time I can sing for a week.” And she concluded the media conference by saying thank you in Chinese (Xie Xie), thus we can see her gratitude towards the fans of Taiwan. Ayumi shall devote her entire energy on the rehearsal on Friday, and let’s hope that there will be the most perfect performance for her first stop in her memorable Asia Tour on 24th March.

source: tw.yahoo.com

Translated by Isaac Hiew
24th March 2007

This piece of article is only for AHS only. Please get my permission via email or PM if you wanted to use it elsewhere. Thank you.
Thanx to -Link- for the lovely sigs! Wrong name tho

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