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Old 7th January 2014, 02:55 PM
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Originally Posted by kagami View Post
Ayu said in like 2004? that her era was over so yeah, I think she's over it lol. She just loves making music, not selling a butt load or being the 'trendy' thing.
yep, it's also in duty's lyrics:

Everyone is convinced
that that "thing" they're searching
for is in the future.
But how many people have realized
that "it" is actually in the past?
I can't even guess.

I saw the end of an era
with my own eyes.
But I didn't want to know
that it's my turn next.

If, after simplifying it
a bit more, you think that "it"
merely connects and arranges memories,
then wouldn't everyone
already have "it?"
I want you to realize that.

I saw the end of an era
with my own eyes.
And in truth, I actually
do know that it's my turn next.

You'll find me, won't you?
I'm betting that
you'll find me.

I saw the end of an era
with my own eyes.
But I didn't want to know
that it's my turn next.

yes ayu, we will find you. WHO CARES. I'll be forever supporting this girl, really.

Originally Posted by artcika View Post
i think Ayu might have just accepted the fact that she won't sell as much as she used to. I mean eventually every legend falls down to the average level when it comes to sales. It's a cimmon thing in the industry. Yeah you can get back up like Namie did, but it's temporary as well. Tho i'd love to see what would happen if Ayu had so much promo going on like Namie does.
I'd love to see how she'd do with promo too, but I'm afraid that too much promo going on would have the opposite effect. Given that she is currently "hated" in Japan, or rather, that she has a bad reputation, maybe seeing her all over the place would reinforce the negative feelings about her. It's not that people simply forgot about her and they have to be reminded: they do remember her too well and chose to hate her for the moment being XD if you see the various comments on every news regarding her they know practically everything about her, even the position of her latest album/single or their figures. I guess that because the trend has become to bash her nowadays, everyone follows this trend without really knowing the reason: basically "namie is trendy, let's love her!!" "ayu is old stuff, let's hate her" XD they'd justify everything wrong namie (but also many popular artists) do and praise very highly their successes, but still bash ayu even when she does nothing wrong and playing indifferent when she achieves something. Idk if I explained myself well..
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