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Old 13th April 2012, 10:21 PM
Chibi-Chan Chibi-Chan is offline
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Originally Posted by Andrenekoi View Post
I wouldn't say they aren't radio friendly just because they are a bit heavier on guitar and stuff like that... It's not like rock isn't a mainstream genre by itself for at least 50 years now, or even that rock is not a common genre in japan, cuz it is. Hikki releases singles that are a little more experiemental in genre, and her lyrics tend to be more complex too. Not saying one is better than the other because of that, cuz this is far from being the case, but is a well known fact that Hikki tends to get a little wilder musical-wise since Deep River than most jpop top selling acts... and this actually one of the things that made her known. This also doesn't mean Ayu actually gets wilder than your everyday jpop act, cuz she does, still, she never released anything that wasn't pop in nature (and neither did Hikki, in Japan at least)

Still, both of them are pop musicians in the end of the day, so I'm not saying that Hikki is some underground genious either, just that she releases some stuff that takesa little more time to digest sound-wise (Hymne à l'amour fastly coming to mind as a recent example)
To be honest I don't find Hikki experiemental at all. For me 90% of her stuff sounds the same. And about her lyrics being complex... for me most of her lyrics are complete nonsense. I really don't get why Hikki is praised like a goddess, she has some great tracks, but in general I really can't see why people think she is experiemental or anything that comes near to that.