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Old 25th March 2007, 10:03 AM
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[News]Ayumi mesmerizes her crowd on her concert

百變天后濱崎步,2007亞洲巡迴海外首場,昨晚以天后出巡姿態,登上台北小巨蛋舞台,性感狂野、奢華炫目 、和風古典各種造型共換7套服裝,讓全場1萬步迷臣服於AYU教主的百變面貌,並未因她彩排時扭傷腳受影響 ,昨晚濱崎步整場唱跳,左大腿綁著繃帶負傷上陣。

昨晚開演前,傳出濱崎步腳受傷了,令部分歌迷非常擔心,據悉,濱崎步在前晚彩排跳舞時扭傷左腳,還用繃帶包 住膝蓋,日本工作人員也緊張地詢問最近的臺安醫院位置,後來經濱崎步隨行的醫師為她診斷治療,還好扭傷情形 並不嚴重。

濱崎步這次為巡迴亞洲精心設計的這套演出,彷彿將整個「AYU皇宮」搬來,一開場,華麗宮廷裡一群古歐洲風 貴婦紳士翩然起舞,濱崎步盪著鞦韆從高空緩緩而下,展現女王出巡的架式,馬甲配迷你蓬裙,身材曲線畢露性感 誘人。

跟著舞台又迅速轉換成監獄牢籠,濱崎步帶領SM女王大隊,扭腰熱跳鋼管舞展現她的舞蹈功力,活力十足熱舞模 樣,讓擔心她腳傷的歌迷放下心中大石。

而濱崎步「百變天后」的封號也名不虛傳,整場快速換了7套服裝,唱到人氣歌曲「M」、「appears」時 ,濱崎步換上嫩綠色雪紡紗禮服,彷彿公主出席宮廷派對,邊唱還邊與英挺男舞者跳起國標舞,唱「 part of Me」,又換上改良式優雅和服,秀出自己大和撫子的一面。

全場歌迷從步姊一現身,就完全陷入瘋狂,加上舞台上頻頻爆破、噴火炬特效,場內熱力節節高升,濱崎步也賣力 唱到揮汗如雨,唱到招牌曲「Boys&Girls」時,步姊更把現場變成歡樂嘉年華會,穿著銀色性感康康舞 裝,開心跳起大腿舞,全場開始跟著大合唱。

唱安可曲時,濱崎步中、英、日文3國語言交雜向歌迷問好,她笑著跟歌迷坦承:「我真的好緊張喔!」歌迷對她 受傷又敬業的完美演出給予熱烈掌聲,並拉起準備好的大布條,合唱了「Who」回送給心中的女王 。


The Jpop-queen of various looks, Ayumi Hamasaki finally set her foot onto the stages of Taipei Dome on 24th March, as the first ever performances in her Asia Tour 2007. She had a total of seven costumes which some of them wild and sexy, eye-dazzling and even classical kimonos appeared throughout her performances and mesmerized 10,000 fans at the concert. The concert was a huge success despite her earlier knee-sprain during her rehearsals. She danced and sing as usual but her left thigh was bandaged during the entire show.

The breaking news about her injury had really worried some of her fans. According to sources, Ayumi sprained her left leg during rehearsal, and even had to bandage her left knee. Her Japanese staffs aked around nervously about the position of the nearest hospital. After diagnosis and treatment from her personal doctor, it seems that it is not a big deal after all.

Ayumi as if had moved her entire “Ayu Palace” to Taipei for the Taipei Concert, which was designed by her. As soon as it started, the courtesans-to-be-dancers inside the imperial-age-like European “Palace” started to move according to the beat and Ayumi descended from the skies on a swing, corsets and mini skirt, revealing the traveling J-pop queen’s perfect and sex-appealing body curves.

After that the stages transforms again into jail-like set where Ayu then lead on her BDSM queen troops to do a series of pole-dance, showing off her dancing skills, and that gave her fans a big relief, the needlessness to worry about her previous injury by looking on how she dance ferociously.

The fans all over the scene have been indulged into a total orgy of excitement and madness since the very second Ayu showed up. The heat turns up as pyrotechnics boosted the atmosphere of the concert to a near explosion and made Ayumi sweaty too. When she sang her famous “Boys & Girls”, she even turned the event into a grand carnival by shoving herself into a silver dress and can-can danced happily. The crowd joined in the singing.

During encore, Ayumi finally greeted her audiences using Chinese, English and Japanese. She smiled and confessed, “I’m really, really nervous tonight!” Her fans responded back to her professional performance by a thunderous applause, while putting up the banners, and sang “Who” with the singer as a parting gift to their queen in their hearts.

Ayumi Hamasaki will be leaving Taiwan at 1.35 p.m.on 25th March by flight EG204.

Source: tw.yahoo.com

Translated By Isaac Hiew
25th March 2007

This article should be in AHS only, if you want to use this article elsewhere, please kindly seek permission from me via PM or email. Thank you.
Thanx to -Link- for the lovely sigs! Wrong name tho

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