Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai - View Single Post - Ayu's lyrics meanings.. Help?
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Old 9th January 2006, 08:40 PM
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Originally Posted by orenji_jaro
what I think on the plot of the STEP you is...

'1,2, STEP you' = is like yea she wants to step on something..meaning she wants to forget all her doubts or anything she wants to put away....It's like stepping off on all your fears and hindrances in life.... get it? ^^

'The gap between idealism and reality'=the line which seperates "something"

Is so very cutting'=can't be inevitable? (did i use the right word?) it's like they can't avoid the fact that they';re seperated.

'And as we cannot cut them off, they are opening up.'=we cannot do anything for it, but slowly we it is fading...it's like they're slowly trying to understand everything...
"The gap between idealism and reality
Is so very cutting
And as we cannot cut them off, they are opening up."

I always thought she was saying, sometimes reality and idealism is sharp and that they happen to get mixed together sometimes. Like your dreams negative and positive kind of take over your reality and sometimes your reality takes over your dreams.

If I need to explain it further I guess I would say: You're afraid the person you're seeing will hate you for a hat you're wearing and you believe they'll break up with you and you'll get in a huge fight, so you avoid the person. It's kind of extreme but I guess it helps get a point across?

I always loved Trauma and Too Late

"Today's happy face, today's sad face.
Yesterday's weak self, tomorrow's strong self.
If it's you, who are you showing it to? If it's me, who should I show it to?"

When I'm in a relationship I always wonder who the person I'm seeing goes to for help and then I wonder who I should go to, ha ha ha! I dont remember reading anything about the song so I have no idea what it's really about.
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