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Old 19th November 2009, 03:16 AM
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the fact that ayu has a theme/image song for a disney movie might result in it being sold at disney land as well

and honestly, i think a lot of people here want ayu to get number 2 and that's why people are so upset. i've never heard so much complaining over a single's release date change. who cares? the world isn't ending. she's preserving a streak that in the current japanese music market is REDICULOUSLY difficult to achieve. OH NO, the horror of preserving that! she's also the first person to ever change a single's release date--oh wait...no she isn't.

She's the only Japanese singer that has even a CHANCE of beating Matsuda Seiko, and people have known that for awhile. I could care less about some competition to "prove" ayu is good. and tbh, competetion between ayu and a male singer isn't competition anyway, they're not even the same gender--based on the current cd buying audience, males tend to always "win". real competition for ayu is amuro, koda and hikki, who have very similar listeners.

"Remember, don't let others dictate your music taste. If you like whatever you're listening to, keep listening to it."