Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai - View Single Post - Ayu's social networks - Discussion #57
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Old 16th January 2023, 07:22 AM
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RAINBOW Guardian

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re: The dancers, it's referring to this situation.

As a tl;dr, Ayu vague-blogged about a huge drama, and later photos of Sou, a gym trainer who has been in her staff for a long time, were notable erased from her IG. Later on, photos of Risato were also deleted. In addition to this, Sou's wife announced their divorce later that same month.

Later on, there were some news reports about Miccie and Sou being involved in some real estate scam in Japanese media as well, and that they'd used Ayu's name to be trusted by people, but they'd all lost money in the end?... the full story never really came out, and although Risato was never named in an article iirc, since they left at the same time a lot of people assume that it's about Miccie, Sou, and Risato specifically.

There's no evidence this is about other dancers, or Ayu's relationship.