Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai - View Single Post - Ayu's lyrics meanings.. Help?
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Old 7th June 2010, 01:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Mad_Cactuar View Post
It seems not only her videos are a little obscure, some of her lyrics are too.. Care to explain these lyrics in your own terms? All lyrics are Masa's translations from the Divine Ayu website, the number one Ayu site on the NET! (AHS is the Number 1 FORUM..)

1)WHAT IS "IT"? Is it a person or some kind of magical being?
2)Merely connects and rearranges memories? Wont that change a persons memories, resulting in a change of personality? Why do that?

1)The lyrics sounds SOOOO COOOLLL but what exactly do they mean? Especially "so very cutting" and "the gap between idealism and reality". Shouldnt it be between reality and fantasy?
2)What does she mean by "1,2,Step you"? Is it "want to step on you"? But why?

Thank you for answering these questions, even if they may seem absurd to some.. I cant sleep thinking about those, not to mention many more.. Sorry if this bothers you ARIGATO!!
I wanna put my input into the lyrics and meaning of them, especially Duty.

The opening lines of Duty really have a great impact, I think, and I wanna say what they mean to me. She says everyone is looking for something, and I think that "it" that you refer to is just taking the place of the things people are looking for. People are all looking for something, but it could be different things, for example confidence, or love, or even money.

But she goes on to say that, she wonders how many people have actually noticed that what they are looking for is in the past.

I think this is really important in the song of Duty. I think the she is trying to tell us that the things we are looking for are just replacements for the things we lost somewhere along the way while we were growing up, or in her case, when she was becoming a star. Because I think we know, we all experience something, and lose it somewhere, and then we really want to get it back. For example, it could be as small as our favourite VHS when we were young, and we really want to watch it, so we start searching for the DVD, but can't find it; or it could be as important as someone who you loved, and they left, so you are trying to find someone like them, but you will never really find that person, because there is no replacement.

And she goes on to say, if she tries to simplify, then isn't that thing we are looking for simply bridging and arranging our memories, and if that's so, then doesn't everyone have that thing without even knowing it? I think this is important. Rather than looking for something to replace it, isn't it better to realize that we have the memories of the thing in the past, that everyone has memories of this thing in the past, and as it makes connections to the future, we can try to make things better by not searching for a replacement, but searching for new and improved things.

But because we keep searching, we'll never know the true power of the things we hold in our memories.

And finally, I think she is saying "If it's you, then you'll probably find it. If it's you, I'll take a gamble and believe you'll find it." I think she is not so sure that the person she is singing to will find what they are looking for, but I think this "kimi" is the person she is trying to find, her father, or some other, and so because this person is important to her, she wants to believe in that person, even if it's not possible for them to meet.

I also think the chorus has a lot of meaning, and not just expecting her end, etc. Of course, Duty was an album that talked a lot about her accepting that she may end one day, rather she will end one day, but I think there's a deeper meaning behind Duty chorus. I think when she talks about the end of a new era, it also talks about the beginning of a new one, which she talks a lot about in evolution. Therefore, when she says "next, it's my turn" I think this is her relenting the fact that she knows she must change with the era, that she doesn't want to, and that maybe she wants to continue searching.

I think it's appropriate that she starts the album off with Duty, because it states clearly to the listener that from here on out, you will hear something that is completely different than before, so please listen.

And I would like to go on to say how I think the song Duty and the song count down are really similar in content, but I don't have time right now... maybe later!!!
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