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Old 9th February 2007, 10:36 AM
Mad_Cactuar Mad_Cactuar is offline
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Originally Posted by emi
However, maddy (can I use that) knows that you can't post those explicit things...and...well...i don't think it would be very wise to post the next issue if you end up doing it...you know why
Yes you can. Yes, I was aware that the rules does not allow those stuff, but who wants to read something tame and controlled if they have to spend time and computer space downloading it anyway? So I brought it down upon myself.

Minus the "AYUMI SHOCKER" feature and a few of the ads, I think it would have been rule-friendly though. I'd also like to point out that it was the preview that caused the fight, not the full issue. That means it's the article of Emi, Martin (can I call you that?) and Lucy that started it all. So I blame them.

Ok, I was joking. I guess I'm a tiny bit guilty for making the article, but you saw Emi and the bunch, they were happy ducklings. It was unexpected, I never thought of how the public would react to them. Still, I'm not faulting anyone, I made the tabloid, so yes I even got an infraction for it now, I admit it, I was wrong, kthx.

As for a PM and subscription... maybe not. I think I've had enough. But never say never, right?

Originally Posted by Keishi
In the end, that's journalism. People who were included in the press release hates it, but people who weren't love it so much. You can't please everyone.