TA Blog: 春よ、来い。| Haru yo koi - Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai
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Old 6th March 2021, 06:28 PM
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RAINBOW Guardian

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TA Blog: 春よ、来い。| Haru yo koi

EDIT: The translation has been replaced with a full one by remove-mom at the AHS Discord. Full credit goes to her and her efforts!

I feel this is one of the most important blogs we have had from her in a long time, so I hope everyone can read it.

Previous post:

A rough translation pieced together from different places. I hope we'll get a proper translation soon, but I feel this gets the gist of what she means even if we're likely missing some detailed wording.
Original Japanese will be in a spoiler at the bottom.

Originally Posted by ayu

I was FINALLY able to make the announcement today.

The announcement that I would be covering one of the most famous songs in the history of famous songs in Japan, a song by Yumi Matsutoya, whose greatness is far beyond that of someone you would merely call a veteran of the industry.

I've been so, so nervous.

From beginning to attempt to reimagine the song and working out how best to approach that task as a singer unto myself, while also deciding upon an arrangement suitable for Ayumi Hamasaki, to hammering out the best possible way to genuinely and definitively represent the song visually through the new music video...

Nobita-sensei, for whom I have the utmost respect, is the one who provided me with such a wonderful arrangement. When I could feel it heading toward the end of the song, I couldn't help but gasp. I was mesmerised. Actually, I have to admit that I was shrinking in the face of it...

Throughout the recording process, I've chopped and changed the way that I've tried to express myself so many times, and after obsessing over it and deciding to go one way or another I've felt beaten down by the pressure, and then gotten back up again with a new approach for a new day, only to find that I've lost my way again... But ultimately, with Yong-chan, Princess and VOJA-san doing backing vocals, I felt like all the time they'd spent practising last year had really begun to pay off, and I was so deeply moved by that.

And acting as director this time is Shimoko, a long-time partner of mine who I also hold in such high esteem and who brings his own perspective on capturing the painful fleetingness and ephemerality of the world through art.

My costume this time, which we ordered in from Kyoto, is a one-of-a-kind Japanese dress hand-dyed in a Yuzen-style (TN: Yūzen (友禅染) is a Japanese resist dyeing technique involving the application of rice paste to fabric to prevent colour transfer of dye to areas of the fabric (from Wikipedia)), courtesy of the hard work of the Okei-chan team, and the doubly incredible effect that they achieved with this aesthetic was one of both necessarily minimal stress (given the current state of my physique) as well as one of the utmost beauty and magnificence.

And then there's Nakata-sensei, who is absolutely indispensible when it comes time for me to wear traditional clothing; I don't even want to so much as try it on without him, and so he did me the favour of rushing to my side the minute he was needed.

Shimoko wrote "I'm putting my life on the line for this one" about this project on SNS, and I honestly have to say that I feel the exact same way.

The jacket shooting, the recording, the filming of the music video -- I'm putting my own life on the line for each and every one of these things.

To tell you the truth, when we'd finished producing everything, I wondered to myself how many years it had been since I'd single-mindedly and devotedly offered everything right down to my very soul to something I'd been making, to the point where I didn't even care whether I was having fun or not.

And I came to the realisation that that was it, that's how Ayumi Hamasaki had done things until now, that that's what I'd lost sight of somewhere along the line. As harsh as it sounds, I've finally come to my senses.

And now, I want you to experience "Haru yo, Koi" for yourself, whichever way you like.
Once you do, I believe that you'll also come to realise a certain something, and that you and I will both share what I see beyond that.

There's no way I can stop here. I need to see it through, to give Ayumi Hamasaki back to Ayumi Hamasaki.

Until that day comes, I'll live firmly alongside her.
For in due time, she'll come back to life to rejoin us, and "that day", in all its glory, will be the one that we look forward to the most.


Original text:


この、日本名曲史に残る名曲中の名曲、しかも大先輩どころではない、偉大すぎる松任谷由実さんの名曲をカバ ーさせていただく、、


歌の解釈をまずじっくり始めて、そこに相応しい自分の歌い手としての在り方だったり、浜崎あゆみとしての編 曲であったり、ミュージックビデオというその曲をハッキリと映像化して世界観を打ち出すパートが本物で究極 であることだったり。

素晴らしい編曲をして下さったのは、尊敬してやまない、のび太先生。特にエンディングへ向かっていく感じ、 唸りました。痺れました。と同時に怯んだのも事実ですが。。

歌入れは、何パターンも表現方法を変えてみたりしながら拘りつつ進めてはプレッシャーに負け挫折して、また 日を改めて気持ちも改めて挑戦して、再び道に迷い、、のような感じでしたが、最後に、ヨンちゃん、プリンセ ス、VOJAさんがコーラスで参加して下さり、昨年末からみんなで何度も何度もコーラスワーク練習を積み重 ねてきた時間がやっと日の目を見たようでグッときてしまいました。

そして苦しいぐらい儚く刹那の世界を美術から自身で携わり監督して下さったのは、これまた長年のパートナー として大大大尊敬するシモ子。
衣装は京都から取り寄せた、一点ものの手描き友禅と、オートクチュールの和ドレスをおけいちゃんチーム頑張 ってくれて、今のこの体型の私だからこそストレスをとにかく最小限に、且つこれまでの何よりも豪華絢爛着に という両極なイメージを完成させてくれました。
私が和の衣装を着る際には絶対に欠かせない、中田先生がいらっしゃらない日には和装はしたくないという位信 頼している先生もわざわざ駆け付けて下さりました。

「命がけで向かいます」と、この作品について書いていましたが、私も全く持って同じ気持ちでい ました。

ジャケ写撮影も、レコーディングも、ミュージックビデオの撮影も、そこに至る全てに本当に本気で命をかけて 取り組みました。
正直、創っていて楽しいとかそういうのはどうでもよくて、ただここに魂を捧げるという気持ちだけで集中し、 疲弊し、捧げ尽くし、憑依しまくったのは何年ぶりだっただろう、、というのが作り終わってすぐの感情でした 。

そして、そうか、浜崎あゆみはこれまで、これをやって来たんだ、忘れてしまっていたのはこれなんだ、という 感覚にも気づくことが出来ました。かなり、ぶっちゃけてるけど、ほんとに目が覚めました。私は ね。

そうしたら、そこにある何かに気付いてもらえると思うし、その先に私が見ているものもきっと共有できるんじ ゃないかと思う。


そう長くはかからないうちに、彼女に息を吹き返してもらって、そしたら、そこが、私達の1番望む良い形での 「その日」になるから。

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haru yo koi, teamayu

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