Analysis/interpretation of Mirrorcle World PV - Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai
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Old 20th March 2008, 06:27 AM
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Analysis/interpretation of Mirrorcle World PV

Idealist did a very nice analysis of the Mirrorcle World PV, but it was almost lost in the big "Thoughts on Mirrorcle World PV" thread. So for those who didn't bother looking through the thread, here it is reposted. Would be a shame to miss it.

Here is my analysis of the Mirrorcle World PV--

I don't think it's random at all. This is a very deep video. The song's lyrics are also important for understanding its meaning. All of the elements are chosen specifically to talk about Ayu's feelings and thoughts about the future. Not just her own personal future, but the future of mankind. Once you look at the video from the perspective of representing Ayu's internal discussion about the technological singularity, it all makes sense.

Briefly, there is a theory that our technology and ability to share information is increasing at an exponential rate; our technology allows us to create more advanced technology, which allows us to create even more advanced technology, etc., and in the not too distant future we will inevitably reach a point where the speed at which we gain new knowledge becomes nearly infinite and we transcend our bodies. That is the technological singularity.

Elements of this concept have been explored in Japanese pop culture before, for example in the anime series Ghost in the Shell and Neon Genesis Evangelion. In the west, one major example of pop culture touching on the singularity is The Matrix, which Ayu intentionally references with a couple aspects of the video.

Mirrorcle World starts out depicting a number of men who are direct references to the "agents" of The Matrix. This is important as it helps to explain the context of the video. These are beings of technology, who record information, and not in the way that human beings have had for most of our history. The seek to control information.

We see a very quick shot of Ayu in lingerie, but aren't given a context for this yet, but it does come later. This is the first of Ayu's five aspects in this video.

Next, we hear a modem dialing in. This is very important, because it tells us that what we are seeing in the video is not the real world; it is, instead, a virtual, electronic world, a "Mirrorcle World", a marvelous echo of the real thing. We are shown an aspect of Ayu, which likely represents her adventurousness in wanting to explore this new world of possibilities; she makes simple, factual statements, and asks simple questions, like so:

Did I imagine this kind of future?
Did you imagine this kind of future?
Did I wish for this kind of future?
Did you wish for this kind of future?
These lines express her wonder at the world; note also the emphasis on the "future".

They ask me, "The beginning or the end?",
"Did you give up, or are you holding on?",
"Are you shrugging off, or in despair?"...
You tell me to just go forward.
These lines express what she has heard from other people. These lines are in reference to fears people have about the singularity; is it the beginning for mankind, or the end? There is a choice between giving up our physical bodies, or hanging on to them. Ayu is asked if she is "shrugging" it off because she is calm about it, or because she despairs about it.

Next we see that first aspect of Ayu, finally given context.

Here we have a representation of Ayu's body, or more specifically, of Ayu thinking about her body. Note the emphasis on her physical sexual appeal, and also the fact that the view of Ayu is in a mirror. She is thinking about her physical body, which she would have to give up if she simply became her disembodied consciousness.

Next we are introduced to a third Ayu aspect, which is her analytical mind.

Our view of this aspect is entirely on her head, all of the expression she conveys are with facial body language and hand gestures involving her head. She asks deeper, more cautious questions.

Am I able to handle this kind of era?
Are you able to handle this kind of era?
She expresses concern about whether people can cope with the era of the singularity.

We're shown another aspect of Ayu:

Her sudden appearance in a red dress may seem random, but it is likely a reference to "the woman in the red dress" from The Matrix. She is the Ayu that asks questions about what to do; the Ayu of choice and decision.

Should I leave my body, or remain trapped inside it?
Here is the crux of the entire issue, and once I thought about this line in context with the rest of the song and the video, everything finally made sense. This is exactly the question that one must ask themselves when thinking about the possibility of the singularity.

Should I pretend I can see it, or is it just not there anyway?
Basically, if she decides to leave her body, should she just pretend she can still "see" it, that it still exists; or is the body really significant anyway? Is she her body, or is she more than her body?

Should I fight, or raise the white flag?
I'm not going to run away like a victim...
She wonders if she should fight against the inevitable march of progress towards the singularity or not. She doesn't want to just "run away" from the question, and from the future, she wants to be an active participant in it and not a victim of fate.

Now we have her dropping a handkerchief, which is picked up by the "agents"; one concern about the singularity is that it will fundamentally strip us of our privacy due to the fact that all of humanity's knowledge will be shared instantaneously. Already in the present we see the ease with which personal information is accessed online.

The "agents" represent those malignant forces that would take personal information and use it to control others. They search for Ayu-choice, because they do not want her to be free to make the choice to realize her potential; with the singularity, all information will become free from their grasp. Ayu-choice is with doves. This is more difficult to get a definite interpretation of, but it may be representative of Ayu being "at peace" and not feeling threatened by the "agents".

Ayu-mind appears again, and talks about her thoughts.

[quote]In this world, we have to slow down
because we don't know everything. [/url]

She is thinking about the world we are in now, at the present, before the singularity occurs. We don't know everything, so, our pace is limited.

That way, we can continue
down a cleared path...
"That way" doesn't refer to her previous statement; it refers to the singularity. Ayu is thinking that it will clear the path for all people to reach their full potential.

Ayu-mind has reached a conclusion, and Ayu-adventurousness decides to act on it:

She "shatters" the mirror (Ayu-body, if you recall, was located in a mirror), because she has decided to embrace the singularity. We see Ayu-choice rejoice, and Ayu-body is in distress, mourning the loss of her relevance; she is not so attractive now.

The choice isn't without consequences--we are introduced to the final aspect of Ayu, her future, where she must contend with the negative forces of this brave new world.

They trap her in the phone booth. The phone booth symbolizes traditional means of communication, as we have now; the agents trap her, not wanting to give her freedom. Ayu-future echoes her earlier lines in the song, this time the sentiments of those malicious agents, who stand to gain by Ayu-future giving up and remaining in their control. They tell her just to continue on as she is, in their control.

But Ayu is saved from this fate.

She is not alone in this Mirrorcle World, and allies arrive to assist her, and shine a light on the misdeeds of those exploiting her vulnerability. She gives one last glance back to the phone booth, her past and our present, before getting in the car with her friends, driving off into the mists of the future.

Ayu-mind wonders:

Is it because I've become strong
that I can be without tears?
Is it because she's so strong personally that she can face the future without suffering? it because of those others alongside her, who lend her their strength, as all people join together?

We hear a final tinkle of a connection signing off as the video ends.

Ultimately it is a very optimistic view of the future, and one that I strongly identify with. Oh, and why shoot the video in Paris? What better location for a fantastic place which Ayu is foreign to? As the virtual Mirrorcle World is to the physical world, so is Paris to Tokyo for Ayu.

-- by Idealist
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Old 20th March 2008, 06:38 AM
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This is one amazing analysis! O.O To think, I really thought that this video was uberly random XD
Interesting, this makes me look at the PV and the song in another perspective. Thank you for taking your time to make another thread for this awesome analysis (:
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Old 20th March 2008, 06:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Idealist View Post
Great, thank you for making this more visible.
You're welcome, it really deserved it's own thread.
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Old 20th March 2008, 06:53 AM
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That's one incredible analysis. I knew there was something deeper to this PV but I couldn't come up with anything. Amazing job!
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Old 20th March 2008, 06:55 AM
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Originally Posted by zoomzoom View Post
You're welcome, it really deserved it's own thread.

and thanks again Idealist!
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Old 20th March 2008, 07:12 AM
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hah I love reading interpretations, most times when I watch Ayu's pvs I don't even think about what its about at all. I don't even try to interprete it or even think about doing it, but when I read everybody else's views..I feel just WOAH O___O I so wouldn't have seen that coming. Great analysis from Idealist, its good there screen caps and stuff so we have a better image of what's being said.

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Old 20th March 2008, 07:17 AM
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you did amazing analysist..but may i know the main point of the video?
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Old 20th March 2008, 07:18 AM
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wasnt this wad i suggested..haha..
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Old 20th March 2008, 08:05 AM
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Thanks for putting it in a new thread!
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Old 20th March 2008, 08:19 AM
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Great analysis. So deep XD!
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Old 20th March 2008, 08:21 AM
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I knew there had to be something else besides the surface... I truly thank Idealist for such an amazing analysis. If I could do this, man I would be getting an A+++++ in AP English. ahaha.

That analysis made the PV just fall into place, and EVERYTHING made sense.
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Old 20th March 2008, 09:08 AM
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really..really great analysis

Ayumi Hamasaki...Queen of my life...

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Old 20th March 2008, 09:45 AM
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all I can say's woah . What an extremely detailed analysis of the video .

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Old 20th March 2008, 10:16 AM
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thanks for the analysis..

it makes the PV much better now~

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Old 20th March 2008, 11:51 AM
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U are the man !!!
so cool U
I know this Pv may be confusing but if I rethink it's not that bad
ayu's always wonderful
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Old 20th March 2008, 11:55 AM
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Yeah, idealist's interpretation is brilliant! Congratulations.

I've also made one, my own, but I'm not sure if ppl will bother to read it. It is not anywhere as deep as idealist's and probably a little silly. It has a different point of view though. Since it does need the images, I had to put all written texts in a huge image file you can see attached here.
Attached Thumbnails
Mirrorcle World.JPG  

Last edited by ImpactBreaker; 20th March 2008 at 11:58 AM.
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Old 20th March 2008, 12:06 PM
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I still need to know the deep meaning behind that car's tag "31 CRY 91" or whatever it was. XD ><


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Old 20th March 2008, 12:09 PM
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^maybe it has to do with her lasst conclusion: "is it because I became strong that I can be without tears?" The CRY is hidden between the sequence of numbers on the car sign, and could only be noticed by someone with a sharper eye, like you.
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Old 20th March 2008, 12:18 PM
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^After I had read Idealist's interpretation I thought it would be something like she actually can not be without tears, at least not in the "Mirrorcle World" but when she's in the car she's heading back to the real place where she's allowed and can cry... Or something like that. I'm not too good solving these kinds of things.


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Old 20th March 2008, 12:38 PM
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I was scared that the interpretation would just go over some heads, but most of you seem to understand and enjoy it, so that's great! Idealist is kind of a lurker here, a little shy, but I convinced him to post this and he is really glad you all like it.

I like your interpretation too, ImpactBreaker.
It is different but still makes you think... and that's precisely the point. That this video isn't just random nonsense and it really does have a meaning.
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analysis, idealist, mirrorcle world

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