Yahoo interview - A BEST 2 - Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai
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Old 2nd March 2007, 08:08 AM
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Yahoo interview - A BEST 2

It's a long interview about A BEST 2 and A BEST etc. I hope someone will be able to translate. I'm also trying to...

「『A BEST』のときはすごくネガティブだった」

■『A BEST』からまる6年たったんだね。

浜崎:ビックリだよね(笑)。私、ふだん自分の曲とか聴かないから、6年前にさかのぼってずっと聴いていく のはけっこうヘビーな作業だったよ。


浜崎:そうそう。その時々の風景とか、そのころの自分の状態とか、鮮やかによみがえってくるよね。思い出す はずじゃなかったこととかも思い出したりして。


浜崎:痛いだろうなと思ってたんだけど、それが案外大丈夫だった。“もう絶対無理”とか“これは絶対一生許 せない”とかね、激しく思ってたこともあったし、その当時のイメージが強いから、そのあとも見ないように、 見ないようにしてたこともあったけど、ちゃんと向き合ってみたら、“あれ? 全然大丈夫だよ”って思えた( 笑)。

■逆にいうと、そう思いたかったから『A BEST 2 -WHITE-』『A BEST 2 -BLACK-』に臨んだというところはあるの?

浜崎:うーん、大丈夫って思えるとは予想してなかったけど、“時間がない”とか“痛い”とかっていろんな理 由をつけて目を背けてきた過去の自分と、今ちゃんと向き合うべきだなとは思った。


浜崎:2006年の終わりに、『Secret』という新たな作品をつくることができたというのが大きかった かな。それを引っさげた初めてのアジアツアーもあるというところで、1回ここで過去の自分を清算させてもら おうかなと思った。

■『Secret』は『A BEST 2 -WHITE-』『A BEST 2 -BLACK-』にはまったく含まれてないよね。そこにも明確な理由があるんでしょ?

浜崎:うん。『Secret』は私にとってすごく特別なアルバムだと思ってるんだよね。私のなかでの裏タイ トルは“Reborn”みたいなところがある。


浜崎:そんな感じ。だからベストという過去のいろんなものたちと混ぜることはできなかった。あのアルバムを つくることができたから、ちゃんと過去の自分と向き合って、ここで全部許してあげようと思えたのかもしれな いね。

■『A BEST』のときとはまったく違う、積極的な気持ちだったんだね。

浜崎:『A BEST』のときはすごくネガティブだった。だって、ジャケットからして反抗してるもんね(笑)。


浜崎:うん。“大丈夫なの?”ってすごく思ってくれてたみたい。でも、本当に今回は大丈夫だから、「安心し ててね」って言いたい。ベストを作る作業を通じて、「私のやってきたことはコレです!」って、ちゃんと誇り を持って言える気持ちになっているから。


■『A BEST 2 -WHITE-』『A BEST 2 -BLACK-』を語るうえで、『Secret』がキーポイントになっているってことは、2006年がayuちゃんにとっ て非常に大事な年だったということだよね。

浜崎:そうだね。去年はいろんなことを新しくしたいと思ったのね。そのためにはそれまでのものを壊していか なきゃいけないじゃない? じゃあ、どこからぶっ壊していくかってことを、まず考えたよね。


浜崎:うん(笑)。とりあえずやっていかなきゃいけない状況っていうのがあったからね。でも去年は、自分か らちょっとひとりになって考える時間をつくろうとしてた。

■浜崎あゆみ史上最長のツアーがあったし、リリースも通常のペースだったと思うんだけど、少しは時間的余裕 ができてきたのかな?

浜崎:もちろんけっこうテンパリまくりの時期は多々あったんだけど(笑)、ほら、仕事って“やりたいこと” と“やらなきゃいけないこと”があるじゃない?

■そうだね。ayuちゃんだと、例えば賞レースを目指すことだったりっていうのが、“やらなきゃいけないこ と”だったりしたのかな?

浜崎:年末に向けてそういうことを考えなくてよくなると、単純に自分の音楽とか自分自身に正直でいられると いうか、そういう状態でいられたことはたしか。

■賞レースというのは一例だけど、とにかく“やらなきゃいけないこと”から少し解放されて、自分に集中がで きた1年だったんだね。

浜崎:そうそう。それで、どこからぶっ壊していくかを考えることもできたし、実際壊してはつくって、壊して はつくってというのをやり続けることもできたんだよね。そしたら、秋くらいまでには、自分がよし! と思う ところまでそれが完了しちゃった。そしたらダッシュしたくなってきちゃって(笑)。


■当初ミニアルバムと発表されていた『Secret』が急きょフルアルバムになったのは、秋までに自分の納 得がいって加速したからだったの?

浜崎:そうなの(笑)。曲もいっぱいできちゃって、単純に“これ、全部入れたい”ってことになった。たぶん 、ぶっ壊している最中は、そのミニアルバムも“やらなきゃいけないこと”のカテゴリーに入っていたのかもし れないね。それがいつしか“やりたいこと”に変わって、自然と書きたいことも生まれていったという感じだっ た。


浜崎:うれしい! つくってる最中、“アタシ、ヤバくない?”って思うほど調子が良かった。で、最終的にさ っき言ったように、すごく特別な作品になったんだよね。

■年末に急きょフルになったから、あのタイミングでの取材はほとんどしなかったでしょ。でも、すごく力のあ る作品だったから、絶対何かあると思ってた。


■あれがあったから『A BEST 2 -WHITE-』『A BEST 2 -BLACK-』もあるわけだもんね。

浜崎:そうだね。今回ベストをつくってつくづく思ったのは、時間ってすごいなっていうことかな 。

■“もう絶対無理”と思っていたことも、今なら“なんだ、大丈夫じゃん”って思えるという意味で ?

浜崎:うん。すべてを解決して、無傷に戻してくれるわけじゃないけど、確実にいろんなことを和らげてくれる なと思った。そう思ったときに、それと同じことを、聴いてくれる人たちがそれぞれの人生のなかで感じてくれ たらいいなと思ったの。そのためにこのベストをつくってるんだという確信のようなものが持てた というか。

■聴き手は、浜崎あゆみの歌を通して昔の出来事を思い出すだけじゃなく、いつの間にかそこを乗り越えてる自 分がいることに気づくわけだよね。




浜崎:それは単純に1枚には入り切らない数になったから。作業に取りかかった当初は、何にも考えてなくて、 1枚に収めるつもりだった。でも、6年っていうのはかなり長い月日でした(笑)。もちろん私なりの理由があ って曲を振り分けてはいるんだけど、ぶっちゃけそこはあんまり気にしないでください。


浜崎:今回は泣いてないです(笑)。白と黒ってハッキリした別の色だけど、ほぼ同じ色みたいなところもある でしょ。そんなことを考えながら、自分の二面性について表現してみようかなと。


浜崎:仕事をしてる自分とプライベートの自分って違うし……私は自分のことをすっごくアタマが良くて、すっ ごくバカだと思ってるし、すっごく大人で、すっごく子どもだとも思ってるの(笑)。そんな部分が出てるんじ ゃないかな。

■なるほど! 長期構想だったアジアツアーもようやく実現するね。

浜崎:うん。すごく楽しみにしてる。文化もルールも違う国に行くわけだから、あっちではできて、こっちでは できないこととかがたくさん出てきて、準備にはいろいろと苦戦してる。でも、台北、香港、上海、日本でやる 公演の内容は、基本的にはまったく同じ。


浜崎:そう。同じものを見てもらうことこそが大事だと思ってるの。“日本とアジア”じゃなくて、“アジアは ひとつ”っていうことを伝えるためにこのツアーに出るわけだから。

■『A BEST 2 -WHITE-』『A BEST 2 -BLACK-』で過去を清算し、『Secret』で現在を表現し、それを引っさげたツアーでは未来が見えて きそうだね。


(インタビュー・文 / 藤井美保)
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Old 2nd March 2007, 08:12 AM
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ooh thats a long one, thanks anyways.

no idea how to translate tho...i sucks in my japanese.

somone please translate
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Old 2nd March 2007, 08:33 AM
WillofDusk WillofDusk is offline
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Translate plzzz
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Old 2nd March 2007, 08:42 AM
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click on 浜崎あゆみ on the left side of the page, this is the same link, but translated through google. it really doesnt make a whole lotta sense, but atleast its a start.

if u use firefox for some weird reason, it may not translate. so use internet explorer.

Last edited by devilayu; 3rd March 2007 at 01:35 AM.
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Old 2nd March 2007, 09:03 AM
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i use ie but when i click on the link it still come up with japanese
come on, some one pleazzze translate it. i really want to know what it says!
thanks for the link btw.
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Old 2nd March 2007, 12:49 PM
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such a long interview! unfortunately i dont understand it.
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Old 2nd March 2007, 05:21 PM
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cool, thanks for this interview!

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Old 2nd March 2007, 06:55 PM
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I'm working on translating most of it.
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Old 2nd March 2007, 09:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Chibinina4 View Post
I'm working on translating most of it.
Thank you so much!
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Old 2nd March 2007, 10:37 PM
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Arigatou for the interview - I can read most of it but not all of it...waiting for the translations!! ^_^

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Old 2nd March 2007, 10:50 PM
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Google 'translation'

When “'A BEST' being, it was the negative enormously”

* 'A BEST' 6 years which are entwined it passed, don't you think? it is.

Hamasaki: It is surprise, don't you think? (laughing). Because me, usually your own tune you do not hear, going back 6 years, ago the fact that it keeps hearing directly fairly well heavy was job.

* Thing of the time comes reading huh the [te] being, it does, the [yo]?

Hamasaki: So so. That occasionally scenery, your own state of the time, reading come huh the [te] vividly, don't you think?. The expectation which you remember without being remembering.

* The chest was painful?

Hamasaki: It is painful, probably will be, but you think it is that is, that unexpectedly was all right. “Already without fail the excessiveness” “absolute lifetime you cannot permit this,” that it combined, thought extremely and there was also a callous as and, image of that that time from forcing, after that not seen, however there was also a callous not to see, when properly you try facing, “that? At all it is all right,” the [tsu] [te] you could think, (laughing).

* Speaking conversely, when so you wanted to think, there is a place that empty 'A BEST 2 - WHITE-' 'A BEST it faced to 2 - BLACK-'?

Hamasaki: The [u] - it is, the all right [tsu] [te] you can think, with however it was not expected, “there is no time,” that “it is painful,” that applying, acquiring the various reason, past by your turns away the eye, the shelf which now should face properly you thought.

* So there was an opportunity which is thought?

Hamasaki: The large kana where it was possible to make the new work which is called to the end 2006, 'Secret'. Being about, that the pulling [tsu] there to be also a new Asian tour which was lowered, you thought as the kana which probably will have making past by your 1 time here.

* '' As for 'Secret A BEST 2 - WHITE-' 'A BEST to 2 - BLACK-' is not completely included, don't you think?. There is a clear reason even there, it is with to do, the [yo]?

Hamasaki: The [u] it is. 'Secret' is thinking that to be enormous it is the special album, for me the [ru] is, don't you think?. Reverse side title in me is “a Reborn” like place.

* Say that the origin it changed?

Hamasaki: Such feeling. Therefore it was not possible to mix with past various the best. Because it was possible, to make that album, past by your you facing properly, perhaps, you could try permitting entirely here don't you think?.

* When 'A BEST' being, it is different completely, it was positive feeling, don't you think? it is.

Hamasaki: When 'A BEST' being, it was the negative enormously. Even, doing from the jacket, don't you think? it is opposed it is, (laughing).

Because before the ■6 year so was best, this time it is to worry it is there are no people of the fan?

Hamasaki: The [u] it is. “Being all right?”The [tsu] [te] you have thought enormously like. Therefore so, this time truly all right, “feeling at rest, don't you think? the [te]” the [tsu] [te] we would like to say. “The fact that I do is [kore] via the work of making the best!”Because it has become the feeling which can be said the [tsu] [te], with pride properly.

“Last year by your you becoming one person, has been about probably to make the time when you think”

* 'A BEST 2 - WHITE-' 'A BEST when talking 2 - BLACK-', 'the [tsu] lever where Secret' becomes key point, means that 2006 it was very important year for ayu, don't you think?.

Hamasaki: Don't you think? so is. Last year you thought various thing that newly the paragraph you want, don't you think? is. For that you break ones to that and must be it is not? The [bu] [tsu] it keeps breaking applying from somewhere, you thought of thing, first, don't you think?.

* When until now is, before thinking, you act and it was there is no about the [chi] [ya] [u] way?

Hamasaki: The [u] it is (laughing). Temporarily, to do you must be, because the circumstance [tsu] [te] it was you say, don't you think?. So last year, by your you becoming just a little one person, has been about probably to make the time when you think.

* There was a longest tour in Hamasaki walking history you think that and, also release was usual pace, but it is a little enough time was possible kana?

Hamasaki: Of course, time of the [ri] which ten Paris is sown fairly well met in large quantity, but it is, laughing), the [ho] and others, the fact that the work [tsu] [te] we would like to do” ““you must be, there is thing” there is no?

* Don't you think? so is. When it is ayu, it was for example to aim toward prize race/lace and/or the [tsu] [te] “it must be you say, thing” it was kana?

Hamasaki: Directing to end of year, when you do not think of such and become the [te] good, you say, or that your own music you can be honest simply in by your, it is certain to can be such state.

* But as for prize race/lace one example in any case from “you must be, being a little released thing”, they were 1 years which can designate centralization as yourself don't you think? it is.

Hamasaki: So so. Causing also with the fact that you think, with that, the [bu] [tsu] it keeps breaking from somewhere of, breaking really and making, breaking, making, it was possible also to continue to do the fact that you say it is, don't you think?. Even if so when it does, to about fall, by his! With that completes to the point of thinking and the [chi] [ya] [tsu] is. So, when it does, it stops wanting to rush, the [chi] [ya] [tsu] [te] (laughing).

“Resetting everything to intactness, you do not give, however, it alleviates time”

* At the beginning the mini- album it was announced, because 'Secret' having become the urgent sewer full album accelerated, to fall your own agreement saying, was?

Hamasaki: So being (laughing). Also tune is possible the [chi] [ya] [tsu] [te], “this, would like to insert all the way and simply entirely” it became with the [tsu] lever. Don't you think? perhaps, the [bu] [tsu] that mini- album “there must be midst when you break, perhaps, it has entered into the category of thing”. To unnoticed changing “that would like to doing”, it was the feeling that the nature also we would like to writing kept being born.

* As for the language of that work, crossing even truth, you think as the [ru].

Hamasaki: It is delightful! Making, [ru] midst, “there is no [atashi] and a [yaba] [ku]?”The [tsu] [te] the extent condition which is thought was good. So, finally the [tsu] it came and as said, it became enormously the special work, it is, don't you think?.

* Because on end of year it became urgent sewer full, it did not collect materials with that timing almost with to do, the [yo]. Because so, it was the work which has power enormously, you think that without fail there is something.

Hamasaki: [huhuhutsu].

* Because there was that, don't you think? 'A BEST 2 - WHITE-' 'A BEST it is the case that it is 2 - BLACK-' it is.

Hamasaki: Don't you think? so is. This time making the best, as for thinking keenly, becoming the time [tsu] [te] enormous, the thing kana which you say.

* If also what “is already thought the excessiveness without fail”, now “it is what, in the sense that the all right it is” [tsu] [te] you can think?

Hamasaki: The [u] it is. Solving everything, however there is no reason which you reset to intactness, it alleviates various thing securely, you thought that is. So when thinking, as that the people who hear the same thing, should have felt in the respective life, you thought that is. Making this best because of that, you say that it could have those like the conviction that the [ru] it is?

* The hearing hand just remembers the occurrence of former times through the song of the Hamasaki walking not to be, getting over there unnoticed, it is the case that you become aware in [ru] by his being don't you think?.

Hamasaki: So when should have been, thinking that is, the [ru].

“The album as for making white and black, expression concerning your own two surface characteristics”

* The latest best as for dividing into “BLACK” and “WHITE”?

Hamasaki: Because that simply in 1 reached a quantity which does not finish to enter. The beginning when it starts job not to be thought the [te], was the intention of storing to 1 even in something. So, 6 year [tsu] [te] what you say was rather long date, (laughing). Of course, there being a reason of my appearance, distributing tune, it enters, but it is as for [bu] [tsu] [chi] [ya] [ke] there please do not make excessively the air.

* Concerning the jacket photograph?

Hamasaki: This time it does not cry, is, (laughing). But white and another color which the black [tsu] [te] clear it is also the almost same color like place it is being, it does, the [yo]. While thinking of such a thing, the kana which it will try expressing concerning your own two surface characteristics.

* For example what kind of?

Hamasaki: By your works our of private you understanding, it is different and ......With the [tsu] extremely adult whom I do, do [tsu] extremely [atama] which does my own thing being good, that the [tsu] which is done extremely it is foolish thinking, the [ru], it is the [tsu] extremely child who is done also thinking, (laughing) of the [ru]. Such a part coming out, the [ru] it is the kana which is not.

* The extent which becomes! Don't you think? also the Asian tour which is long-term conception finally actualizes.

Hamasaki: The [u] it is. To be enormous it has enjoyed. Therefore the reason which goes into the country where culture and rule are different, with that it being possible, with this the fact that it is not possible coming out the large quantity, you have fought in various ways in preparation. So, contents of the performance which is done in Taipei, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Japan basically completely the same.

* The same production and the same set list [tsu] lever?

Hamasaki: So. Thinking that makes at same ones look very it is important the [ru]. The reason which appears in this tour in order to convey the thing which is not “Japan and Asia and” therefore the [te], “as for Asia one” [tsu] [te] it says.

* 'A BEST 2 - WHITE-' 'A BEST with 2 - BLACK-' the past is cleared off, the present time is expressed 'with Secret', that the pulling [tsu] with the tour which was lowered future is visible and rivals don't you think? is.

Hamasaki: The [u] it is. Persevering it increases!

(Interview sentence/Miho Fujii)
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Old 2nd March 2007, 10:53 PM
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I'm halfway done with the translation. Some phrases are hard to translate into English, though.
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Old 3rd March 2007, 02:25 AM
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want the better translation..but thank you anyway

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Old 3rd March 2007, 02:49 AM
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1st half of the interview. Some of the phrases are very difficult to translate, so it's not 100% accurate. The rest is coming later tonight:

“It was very negative at the time of A BEST.”

Interviewer: It has been only 6 years since A BEST was released.

Hamasaki: It’s surprising (Ayu smiles)! Whenever I listen to my own songs from 6 years ago, they’re wonderful but they were also “heavy” work.

Interviewer: Has time given life to those songs?

Hamasaki: That seems right. Things like the occasional scenery and my condition at times brilliantly revive the songs.

Interviewer: And was your chest (heart?) painful?

Hamasaki: I think it was probably painful, but that was surprisingly okay. Things like “they’re already absolutely unreasonable” and “this era cannot be accepted” felt intense. That view was very strong at the time. In order to not see that, I faced it exactly and said, “That? That seems completely okay.” (Ayu smiles.)

Interviewer: On the contrary, since you felt that way, does [A BEST 2 –WHITE-] [A BEST 2 –BLACK-] deal with what you were faced with?

Hamasaki: Yes, although I think did not expect that to be okay. Things like “this isn't the time” and “it’s painful” made me turn my eyes away from my previous self, and I felt that now I must properly face my previous self.

Interviewer: Well, was there an excuse for you to feel that way?

Hamasaki: At the end of 2006, I was able to make my big work called [Secret]. There is also an Asia Tour for the first time, and I think that is the first time I let my past self settle.

Interviewer: [Secret] isn’t included in [A BEST 2 –WHITE-] [A BEST 2 –BLACK-] at all. Is there a clear reason why?

Hamasaki: Yes. As far as I’m concerned, I feel that [Secret] is a very special album. However, inside of me the title is more like “Reborn” (rather than Secret).

Interviewer: Were you reborn?

Hamasaki: I feel that way. Therefore, it’s not possible to mix various things from the previous BEST days. (note: BEST = referring to things from the A BEST era.) Because I was able to make that album (that album = Secret), it’s the perfect opposite of my past self. I might have been able to allow everything here.

Interviewer: The [A BEST] period was quite different, were there any positive feelings?

Hamasaki: [A BEST] was a very negative time. Even the (album) jacket showed rebellion! (Ayu smiles.)

Interviewer: Since the BEST was 6 years ago, does it appear that your fans did not worry this time?

Hamasaki: Yes. “Is this okay?” They thought it was terrible. But since it’s truly okay this time, they want to also say “We’re relieved.” I can be perfectly proud of saying what my feelings have become regarding the work leading to making the BEST.

"Last year, after I became alone, I thought about repairing time." (???)

Interviewer: When talking about [A BEST 2 –WHITE-] [A BEST 2 –BLACK-], [Secret] was a key point, and 2006 was a very important year for Ayu.

Hamasaki: Yes, that’s right. Last year I thought about various new things. Hence, is it bad for things to not break down until then? Well, I considered once. . .(???)

Interviewer: If that was the case, did you act first, then think later?

Hamasaki: Yes (Ayu smiles). For the time being, it was because I had to manage the situations. But last year, because I became alone for a short time, I thought about repairing time.

Interviewer: The history of includes Ayumi Hamasaki the longest tours and a general pace of releases, but have you thought about having a little room for spare time?

Last edited by fantaisie.sign; 3rd March 2007 at 09:05 AM.
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Old 3rd March 2007, 05:16 AM
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. . .I'll continue if someone wants me to.
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Old 3rd March 2007, 05:29 AM
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Thanks for the translation Chibinina4. Please post the rest when you're done.

Originally Posted by ComatoseBunnySnatcher View Post
^ Hey, if I went deaf and broke my leg for a company you'd bet your ass i'd get my money's worth! Ayu is a smart HBIC!

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Old 3rd March 2007, 08:23 AM
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I would love to read the rest, thanks for the translation!!
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Old 3rd March 2007, 08:24 AM
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of course we want you to it's very interesting to read xD
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Old 3rd March 2007, 09:32 AM
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thx, for the info plus the translation, and i'm waiting for the rest of it.
domou arigatou
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Old 3rd March 2007, 12:26 PM
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thank you for the translation! interesting
i got the promo pics from the site, they are HQ:


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