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Old 16th August 2013, 11:30 PM
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Meet the Moderators

Meet the Moderators

This is the thread where you can read small biographies from each of our active moderators, to learn a little more about them and where they moderate the most. This will continue to be updated in the future.


Since she was born, Yoake has loved to let her imagination run wild and live in her own stories. It’s how she discovered Ayu when she created a Japanese character for a role player game forum in 2006. Her emotional and beautiful voice caught her heart when she sang JEWEL live for the first time. Since that day, Yoake has immersed herself wholly in the Japanese music world and has discovered a lot of wonderful artists. Her other passions are cats, books, museums, making graphics, and playing flute.


Real name is Tal, I'm from Israel. Hence the nickname ayumisrael. As there are not a lot of ayu fans (or others on the forum) from my country so I use ayu's name combined with the country name. I'm now 27 and I grew to like ayu at the age of almost 15 after a friend sent me Depend on you, and I listened to that song for 3 months in a row, only to that song! I'm a university student studying East Asian studies (with Japanese) and American studies, first year. I'm into friends, gaming and, Japan, Japanese and my passion which is Japanese music. =) My mother language is Hebrew.


It all started with Memorial Address and then it just took off from there. GUILTY was the first album of Ayu’s for Nalini-Dahlia to buy. Nalini is a Tennessean pursuing a degree in studio art with an out-of-this-world love for Ayu. Now an avid lover of metal and visual kei, Nalini’s world pretty much revolves around music, art, writing, and her family (including two cats).


Pimenta (a.k.a. Gabi) first got to know Ayu around 2003 when she was about 10 years old, but only became an actual fan in 2006, and from there on Ayu never left her no.1 favorite artist spot. Gabi was born and raised in Brazil, but got to live one year in Japan as an exchange student and now misses Japan dearly. Gabi is a programmer, and she usually gets bored extremely easily, which means she's always searching new things to try. She specially likes to spend her time doing crafting, like sewing, crochet and making/building stuff in general, which can entertain her for hours.


Born in Brazil and currently living in the US, Michael has had a passion for Japanese pop culture since a very young age. This passion led him to study the language and literature of the country in college. Beyond his career as a graduate student, games, music, photography, coffee, and traveling are among his favorite subjects.


Koumori [koo·mor·ree]
The Koumori is a tech nerd currently living in Finland. Discovered Ayumi Hamasaki in 2005 after a run in with a mysterious stranger, and cites the album RAINBOW as an all-time favourite.


Heather discovered Ayu during her sophomore year of college in 2005 after hearing RAINBOW in a J-pop MP3 mix. She was intrigued and pursued collecting the rest of Ayu's discography and subsequently, became enamored with Ayu as a person and idol. Heather is a sane crazy cat lady, self-proclaimed Animal Crossing Queen, and an obsessive, eclectic nerd. She is married to her fantastic husband and enjoys sushi and coffee dates and sitting at home reading with her four cats (all named after cats from the Animal Crossing franchise.)

Contact taskinillusion if you have a question related to any forum on AHS. Her areas of concentration include the Japan, Anime and Gaming Chat Forums, as well as Asian Music Chat and its Subforums.


Cyria first heard Ayu's Inuyasha theme, but it was evolution that made her seek out as much of her discography as possible: M confirmed Ayu's awesomeness and ten years later she's still here. She's been a fan of Ayu's live performances and fashion, and very happily follows other pop divas who also go for glamour and outlandishness. Her other major interests include costume dramas, RPGs and 19th/early 20th century history.


The ever elusive bulmasman first discovered Ayumi back in late 2000, it was decided from that point onwards he would be a dedicated fan forever more, and although still mostly a fan of her earlier work, he still supports her to this day - His favourite song is Endless Sorrow. Outside of Ayumi fandom, he's a big fan of Jpop and researches it as a hobby, finding a particular love for the 80's era - he's also a gaming and anime addict, and loving father to two cats - Reina and Marceline. Although hard to get hold of, he will still sneak onto the forums from time to time to check up on the place, and will read any posts that are reported, though is rarely needed as the rest of the staff tend to keep on top of everything. He can still be contacted though for any reason, and will try to help out where needed. He is also quite possibly the first (and only) Welshman at AHS.


The Old Cast
Now inactive, but worthy of remembering!
These moderators are either no longer visiting the forum or have stepped down from moderator status. You can PM them for advice but it is recommended you check their 'last online' date via their profiles first.


Sugarbasil discovered Ayu when she was in middle school and has looked to her as an inspiration and personal hero throughout much of her life. Sugarbasil works in international social work in real life, helping asylum seekers, immigrants, and victims of human trafficking and political torture. When she's not advocating for human rights, she's usually expressing her nerdiness through various nerdy ways. She loves geocaching, swing dancing, being artsy, and eating icecream.


Corybobory learned about Ayu in a CD exchange with a Japanese student in high school. She loves different languages, and language itself, and studies linguistics and palaeolithic archaeology. She is doing a PhD on the origin of language, which she funds with proceeds from her online jewellery business, Coryographies. Cory is Canadian and has lived in the UK for last 5 years, and lives with her husband who has a giant beard. She loves pugs, sushi, and digging for Neanderthals.


Jasmine discovered Ayu during the summer of 2007. She was attracted to that bleached long blonde hair more so than the song that was 'glitter'. Jasmine is also prone to flailing when it comes to alan and will be getting professional help for it. Other than idolizing and flailing, Jasmine is still hard at work trying to find out how to evolve into a panda. also getting help for it.


Kanzaki's real name is Mia, which she likes for Highscore purposes. She's a 27-year old gamer, writer, language nerd etc. and loves to watch documentaries about anything, except spiders. Usually spends her friday nights playing video games or watching every John Cusack movie available on netflix. She was blown away by Ayu's Naturally in 2003, and carried her with her on everything from MP3 players to her phone ever since. Best Ayu moment was when she played BEST OF COUNTDOWN LIVE 2006-2007 at college and got to show everyone how flawless Ayu is when she performed until that Day...

Last edited by koumori; 17th July 2016 at 10:49 AM.
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Old 21st August 2013, 12:01 AM
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I've been pronouncing Koumori's name wrong in my head this whole time.
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Old 21st August 2013, 12:23 AM
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How have you been pronouncing it?

Last edited by koumori; 21st August 2013 at 12:27 AM.
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Old 21st August 2013, 01:16 AM
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It's pronounced the Japanese way right?
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Old 21st August 2013, 01:41 AM
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Originally Posted by pommy48 View Post
It's pronounced the Japanese way right?
Pretty much. How to pronounce 'koumori' Over the years, I've been sliding to pronounce the middle part with an extra r though. But it's not far off!
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Old 21st August 2013, 01:47 AM
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Japanese r's are nasty little buggers.

Anyway, you like astronomy too, Sugarbasil? We should talk about it! I'm particularly excited about being able to see Pluto for the first time!
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Old 21st August 2013, 07:10 PM
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Oh, well, then I was pronouncing it right! When you wrote "koo-mo-ri" I immediately thought of the English phonetic pronunciation, not Japanese romaji. I've never seen the long O spelled like that in romaji: I've only seen it spelled "ou" or "o-." But that doesn't mean anything lol. But so when you wrote "koo-mo-ri" I thought it was supposed to be like the "oo" in "moo" or "too." Glad we cleared that up. XD

@D&B: You love astronomy, too?? Yay! So glad to find another astrogeek! I'm really happy about Pluto, as well! Do you look at constellations, too?? I went camping last weekend and was showing the zodiac constellations to a friend, and I hate that you can't see Taurus, Gemini, Orion, and Sirius this time of year. They're my favorites.

Last edited by sugarbasil; 21st August 2013 at 07:12 PM.
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Old 21st August 2013, 09:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Koumori View Post
Pretty much. How to pronounce 'koumori' Over the years, I've been sliding to pronounce the middle part with an extra r though. But it's not far off!
So it's "kòo-mo-ri".. Not "koo-mò-ri"..
Yeah, the voice pronounce it "kòo-mo-ri" or maybe "koò-mo-ri"..
Okay, if I repeat it again I'll go crazy

Anyway, nice idea to open this thread~! ^^

眺めているだけじゃ いつまでも手に出来ない
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Old 21st August 2013, 10:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Livey~ View Post
So it's "kòo-mo-ri".. Not "koo-mò-ri"..
Yeah, the voice pronounce it "kòo-mo-ri" or maybe "koò-mo-ri"..
Okay, if I repeat it again I'll go crazy

Anyway, nice idea to open this thread~! ^^
Haha, sorry! It doesn't really matter lol, but I have always found it interesting how many different ways it can be pronounced
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Old 22nd August 2013, 12:30 AM
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Originally Posted by sugarbasil View Post
@D&B: You love astronomy, too?? Yay! So glad to find another astrogeek! I'm really happy about Pluto, as well! Do you look at constellations, too?? I went camping last weekend and was showing the zodiac constellations to a friend, and I hate that you can't see Taurus, Gemini, Orion, and Sirius this time of year. They're my favorites.
I like to look at constellations but I have no chance because of light pollution.
While I love constellations, I'm more fixated on the planets and their moons (especially Jupiter's ugly 4 Galilean moons).
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Old 22nd August 2013, 01:58 PM
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I whistled What Is Love three times appear now Koumori.
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Old 22nd August 2013, 06:05 PM
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Originally Posted by NintendoHTF1242 View Post
I whistled What Is Love three times appear now Koumori.
You must have been out of tune
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Old 31st August 2013, 03:16 PM
AyuHamasaki01 AyuHamasaki01 is offline
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Her current goal of training Dora to shoot quills out upon command is making slow progress.
Jasmine is still hard at work trying to find out how to evolve into a panda. also getting help for it.
Dora might be a real life Pokémon then.

So is Jasmine getting help on how to evolve into a panda or did you mean different kind of help? (I'm calling it that way because I don't want to crush dreams of that poor child)

| Set by me |

I love Stargate SG-1 even more now! Cuz in episode 9x12 there was a person called
Dr. Amuro

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Old 5th September 2013, 03:41 PM
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^ Pretty sure she means she's getting... psychiatric help for her... unhealthy obsession.


did you imagine this kind of future?

@luckynekolady instagram

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Old 5th September 2013, 05:54 PM
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But I see it as a win-win situation

I get to become a fluffy being and you guys can say you know a panda
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Old 10th June 2016, 08:43 PM
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Updated with our new helpers.
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