[review] ARENA TOUR 2005 A ~MY STORY~ Saitama Super Arena [6 March 2005] - Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai
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Old 7th March 2005, 02:05 AM
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[review] ARENA TOUR 2005 A ~MY STORY~ Saitama Super Arena [6 March 2005]


My name is Mark I am on holiday in Japan and last night I saw my first Ayumi Concert with my japanese friend!!! It was in Saitama Super Arena on Sunday 6th March!!

I thought I would give you a report while it is fresh in my memory for anyone who wants to know what the concert is like this year.

There were so many people arriving at the arena I felt so lucky to have a ticket. As we approached the arena there were lots of people selling fake ayu goods and everyone was buying them cos they were so cheap. They had posters, tshirts, keyrings, stickers, towels etc. I could not resist cos some of it looked cool and its ayu ofcourse.

Then as we approached the arena the official goods were on sale there. I think I bought everything in sight!!! LOL They also were promoting the countdown dvd and had her complete discography for sale. So I managed to update my collection with cds I had not been able to get. Then we entered the arena for the concert!! OH MY GOD LOL!!

We were up quite high in the arena but we were to the right of the stage and had a perfect view. The stage was nice with a runway with a circle at the end. When the lights went out the stage had pink flowers all over it, it was so beautiful. Also everyones light sticks looked cool in the dark. They showed a video of ayu at the start and she was pulling off her face to reveal another ayu with different style wigs on!! It looks so cool and the music was kalidoscope.

Then the show opened with Happy ending my favourite song from the album!! It was so cool she was wearing a beautiful dress. And performed it on a balcony. Then the played a video with Ayu charging through the desert on an iron horse wearing gold. It was sooooo cool!! Then she appeared singing Inspire "HERE WE GO!!" she shouted and I actually cried HOW SAD LOL but I dont care. It was an amazing performance she sounds so good live guys honestly.

She sang Surreal. Then she sang Unite!!! wearing the same outfit. Then they showed a video of ayu wearing a white dress with guys wearing black. They were on like a chessboard chasing each other with ayu being the white queen and the guys trying to track her down in a maze of black and white squares. It was cool to watch when they finally catch up with her she sings Game and appears on stage. The song after that was my names woman.

Im finding it hard to remember more LOL I was so exited. She sang moments wearing a big puffy dress and then walking proud wearing a a blue dress with beautiful lights on it. She also sang carols on the circular part of runway and twinkling lights were all around her and snow fell. it was so cool.

She sang u Honey wearing that cool cute pink outfit and then she sang evolution and boys and girls. When she sang boys and girls water fountains shot up at the front of the stage it was MEGA COOL!!!!!!! Everyone was shocked it looked so wonderful with different colours of light.

During the encore she was telling everyone how she had fell at last nights concert sat!! But she was okay and was laughing about it with the rest of the band members. She sang Trauma and yes i did the dance and she made everyone do a wave in the audience. It was fun.

Then she taught us the dance to Humming 7/4 and then she sang it. It was good fun!! The tracklist is correct that has been posted from the start of the concert run. So i was really pleased. I was sad for the show to end but so greatful that I could watch it. I hope u find this interesting to read and u can ask anything and I will try to tell you. I better go now and enjoy Tokyo and find some more ayu stuff to buy LOL


[Edited by AHS Staff]
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