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Old 13th May 2016, 01:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Andrenekoi View Post
So... The weakest tracks were still pretty strong, and even made me tolerate Many Classic Moments. I would say it's her first album I love since Party Queen and a very good surprise.
This is how I feel as well, it's the best album she released since Party Queen

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Old 13th May 2016, 02:32 PM
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I'm a fan since 13 years now and I didn't loved a release that much since quite some time. I'm happy that this feeling of not wanting to stop listening to a new Ayu release is finally back. I missed this so much. ♡
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Old 13th May 2016, 03:06 PM
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Originally Posted by truehappiness View Post
Honestly, as someone who likes Ayu albums after first listen, I usually don't really remember them either. It takes time for things to stick in your head... even her older tracks, really. But because they're older, you don't really remember that "baking" time.
I disagree here. Her older tracks tend to leave a memorable first impression and I still remember that very well. Even younger rock tracks like Microphone and talkin' 2 myself got stuck in my head. I love FLOWER and Mad World, but I can't really remember them not listening, especially not after first listen. And that's a quite big flaw for her last releases (A One, Sixxxxxx and now Made in Japan), having problems recalling how the songs go.

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Last edited by Corvina; 13th May 2016 at 03:09 PM.
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Old 13th May 2016, 03:17 PM
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After hearing it some times, here is my review:

tasky - amazing amazing amazing 5/5

FLOWER - There's something that sounds wrong with the drums for me, but compared to what we had on A ONE this song has a instrumental so deep that it's already a winner. The guitar solo is amazing, I hope it'll be longer when performed live. Also love her voice on the chorus, it reminds me of some pop-rock acts from Japan from like the 90s or early 2000s. Not to say it fits perfectly after tasky! 5/5

Mad World - I was expecting a heavy rock track here, but still it didn't let me down. It has a Love songs vibe to it but not in a "old demo from that era" feeling, which is good. Beautiful song and beautiful lyrics, just yaaaaaas 4.5/5

Breakdown - I gotta say I love the ending, it sounds so Muse-ish And also how so different from the first seconds of the song it is, I LOVE when ayu plays with the instrumental progressions in her songs going out of basic formulas, and the mixing/mastering is so good! I feel like it's a Duty and A ONE love child. Masterpiece, maybe my favourite of the album. 5/5

Survivor - I'm having a bit of trouble with this track... I don't dislike the choir chanting, but it feels like it takes the spotlight from ayu's voice...? Like it's backing vocals feat. ayu? Maybe their voices should have been a bit lower, either in volume or tone, for me to feel 100% okay with it. Still, it doesn't spoil the song for me! It sounds really fresh and different, and it's POWERFUL, both music and lyrics-wise. Looking forward to a live performance! 4/5

You are the only one - Now this is how to take a simple ballad and make it outstanding. The instrumental takes a route which is not too common in ayu's discography, with a hint of Japanese instruments on it, and I don't think it's placement on the album could have been better, it's like finding strength after struggling with the modern world after long. The ending of the song is also so beautiful, it's like the song blossoms as it goes. 4/5

TODAY - A good surprise for me, as I was expecting a generic pop song from the lyrics bits we had. Not the best piece of music she ever put, but I like these mid-tempos from her, and the lyrics help me appreciating it. 4/5

Mr. Darling - Eeeh, the song is not bad, but it's just not as memorable as the rest of the album, it's like each song has an idendity but this one doesn't. Still, I don't dislike it, but I feel like this will one of those songs I don't remember existing when it comes on shuffle. 3/5

Summer Love - Usually I don't like this kind of songs coming from ayu, but this one managed to be EDM-ish and still feels ayu's! It's so fun to listen to and imagine a PV hahahahah 4/5

Many Classic Moments - I made an ugly face when I saw that the song was included on MIJ, but... it does fit the album placed after Summer Love. It's not a masterpiece, but it's a different take for ayu, even if it's not as memorable as Movin' on without you. In the end it's a nice addition for the album 3/5

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Old 13th May 2016, 03:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Aozora View Post
I definitely get the impression that she's been taking it a little more seriously lately. A ONE and sixxxxxx were good efforts, but the production still sounded so cheap. Which is a shame, in my opinion, because there are some songs that could have been fantastic if they were polished nicely.

I'm just so happy that they seemed to take their time with these songs and make them sound actually finished!
Yep, this has been a major problem that I've had. The mixing on A-One and Love Again in particular just sounded soooo flat. I believe that from Love Again on she started working with a new mixer? I can't remember an exact time frame. But, yeah, the tracks - even if they were good - just sounded dead and didn't jump off the speakers. Colours was effected by this to a lesser extent though - perhaps because of the foreign production. It will be interesting to see the if this album is mixed by the same guy or not or if she got someone new. It doesn't sound like the same person to me - or maybe he just got a lot better lol.
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Old 13th May 2016, 05:38 PM
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oh God I love this album so much...

1) tasky

YES. YES. YES. There are intros I still like better, like Catcher In The Light and Not yet, but this comes so close. I love the traditional Japanese instrumentation flowing into this dance atmosphere, almost like a mix of para para and dragon dance!


YES. YES. YES. I never heard Ayu so angry before and lyrically some stanzas remind me of (don't) Leave me alone. Everything is great, I love this song except the vocal layering in the chorus is a bit jarring at first but still good.

3) Mad World

Damn. my favorite track in the whole album. The chorus really tugs at my heartstrings; this is classic Ayu but with her taking full control of her vocals, it's such a great thing to be alive to listen to this song, and it makes me sad at the same time.

4) Breakdown

YES. I love this as well. I love that after the anger and confusion of the previous 2 tracks, we slow down to this song where she kinda thinks and wonders about stuff; the electric guitar meltdown at the end leading to her final, "Kono mama..." left me chils.

5) Survivor

OH HELL YES. I do get INSPIRE and BRILLANTE vibes from this and I love the energy so much. Love the "concrete jungle" imagery and this whole African safari realness going on; it's so vibrant and what a joy to listen to this song. I Visualize fire, dancers, this queen sitting on her throne telling everyone to fight and try again. dayum.

6) You are the only one

Oh my God this was the biggest surprise to me. I was ready to write this off in the first 5 seconds for being generic but damn it the arrangement is beyond beautiful and the verses have a very Disney vibe to it (I'm thinking Land Before Time); so ethereal. and the chorus when her falsetto kicks in, I got chills. SO GOOD. The breakdown at the end with her siren wailings are so good too. yes yes yes.


I don't really remember how this sounds like despite running through the album 6 times, but I remember liking it.. will go back and listen to this a few more times but I'm sure I don't hate it.

8) Mr. Darling

weakest link of the album for me. it's cute and she's happy I get it but HONEY is a better showcase of a song dedicated to her love.

9) Summer Love.

WAIT DID THE FIRST SECOND REMIND ANYONE OF THE SHOW MUST GO ON??? it's the exact boomsound! lol. but i love this song, it's catchy and fun, but sounds like a Colours/sixxxxxxxxxxx/A ONE leftover, doesn't mesh too well with rest of the album but still nice.

10) Many Classic Moments

it's my first time listening to this song and her cover and I like it. I actually really like it; it's sad EDM and enjoyable listen!


overall, this is her strongest work since Love songs. i hear effort, i hear vocals, i hear arrangement, i see well-written lyrics, i see her writing as an Adult and thinking like an Adult, and it's so fresh and different, and for many fans here who are probably in their mid/late 20s already I think this perspective is even more relatable than ever!


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Old 13th May 2016, 06:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Corvina View Post
I disagree here. Her older tracks tend to leave a memorable first impression and I still remember that very well. Even younger rock tracks like Microphone and talkin' 2 myself got stuck in my head. I love FLOWER and Mad World, but I can't really remember them not listening, especially not after first listen. And that's a quite big flaw for her last releases (A One, Sixxxxxx and now Made in Japan), having problems recalling how the songs go.
Her sound is less poppish lately if anything, what means the compositions aren't made to be stuck on your head at first listen and need more replay than a pop track usually does in order to be digested.


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Old 13th May 2016, 06:45 PM
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tasky - 5/5 wow this is one of her best openings! Absolutely love it, will be replaying it a lot. It also doesn't give the feeling that it should be a full song, although that would be amazing, it's perfect as is.

FLOWER - 5/5 The music, her voice, everything about this is amazing. Was not expecting this to be a kickass rock song from the title. After reading the lyrics I love it even more. So dark.

Mad World - 5/5 So dark and beautiful at the same time. I love her voice here, she put a lot of emotion into this.

Breakdown - 5/5 I love these types of ballads from her. It's not boring or bland, just emotional and beautiful.

Survivor - 5/5 This was the most surprising track on the album for me because it's just so new and fresh! It's so catchy and interesting and fun and epic at the same time, I think I found a new favorite workout song :p

You are the only one - 2/5 This is where I got disappointed. The music itself sounds beautiful, it's just her voice I have a problem with. I don't like her vibrato here. This is the only track I'll skip from now on on the album.

TODAY - 4/5 - Real nice song, reminds me of a concert closer, but better than a lot of her concert closers, in my opinion. Listening to this just gave me a warm happy feeling.

Mr.Darling - 4/5 - Acoustic guitar and ayu is one of my favorite combinations. I found this song to be pretty catchy, maybe if her voice wasn't as high pitched it would be perfect to me. Still like it a lot though

Summer Love - 4/5 - So this song was pretty awesome until the chorus. It's still a fun song, the chorus just threw me off a bit, it could have been better. I'll still jam to this though.

Overall I'm really happy with this album! It was such a shock to me the quality of these tracks and reading the lyrics along with them. Seems she's been having a lot of dark thoughts, but she writes them out in such a beautiful way. I love it. Also, not that song titles matter much, but I noticed her titles are wayyy better on this album .
Solid album, I'm proud of ayu, I needed this from her
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Old 13th May 2016, 07:03 PM
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tasky – One of my favourite intro in these years. It’s very very Japanese with the Shamisen’s sound. Hope she can prolong this intro and use it as “ a bell” in Arena tour. 5/5

FLOWER – The BEST connection with “tasky”. The pre-chorus is very peaceful ( especial part is the beginning of second pre-chorus) and the chorus is very very rock. With the Japanese style, the background vocal, FLOWER is the face for “M(A)DE IN JAPAN” album and I hope there would be the PV for this song. Ayu will wear the red kimono in the room, the moonlight shines her room with the falling cherry blossom… Cool 5/5

Mad World – The song reminds me with “ call” or “Letter”. It’s cool to me. The bridge is good but I think the song is lacking of something unknown. By the way, It’s still the good song . 5/5

Breakdown – The song is the level-up version of “ Shape of love” . It’s sweet ballad but still can’t flow me away. I think the ending has the problem… 4/5

Survivor – I really love this song. The song is very energetic and as the message of angry Ayu, reminds me with “ INSPIRE”. This is one of my most favourite song in this album. But the song is not “Japanese” at all hah ? 5/5

You are the only one – This song needs the PV or the beautiful romantic performance. I love the idea that she wears the outfit as the Greek angel and sings this song from the heaven ( or somewhere with the smoky scenes). That is what I feel and image when listening to this song. It’s sweet, holy and peaceful. I was flown away by the last chorus with the backgroud vocal. Long time no having this special emotion since “JEWEL”. 5/5

TODAY – Yes, surprisingly, the song reminds me “ SEVEN DAYS WAR” somehow.... This ballad is peaceful and reminds me the feeling when listening “Who…”, “how beautiful you are” or “ Thank U”. This song can be used as the “thank you” message to her bands 4/5

Mr.Darling – I love this song very much from the first time listening to this. I was surprised when most of AHSers don’t like it ( your score is about 2-3/5 for this song). The song brought to me the feeling of “ Out of control” which is the song I love most in “ A ONE”. The Chorus is very emotional to me and very suitable for Ayu’s recent vocal. 4.5/5

Summer Love – Very energetic and can replace “The show must go on” with “Wow wow”. I can image Ayu and her dancers dance along this song with smiles. Some simple dance moves can be done by audiences as “ MY ALL”. Lovin’ this one . 4.5/5
Many Classic Moments – The song of Globe that Ayu covered. OK, it’s good but quite bad for her recent vocal ( we can realize it by her latest CDL ). 4/5

Overall, this is one of her best album in my opinion. With the theme : “ M(A)DE IN JAPAN”, we can hope for the cover, PV which is very Japanese or reminds us the old days in Japan ( 2000s). By the way, acccording to the songs, I just feel the “Japanese” from “ Tasky” and “ FLOWER”. This album has my 4.5/5 overally.
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Old 13th May 2016, 07:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Andrenekoi View Post
Her sound is less poppish lately if anything, what means the compositions aren't made to be stuck on your head at first listen and need more replay than a pop track usually does in order to be digested.
Exactly. And from my experience, songs which are digested harder, or step by step are more interesting as a whole.
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Old 13th May 2016, 07:18 PM
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IMO, if there are issues with recollecting the songs, just put it down for a bit. It's only been a few days, you're not going to remember all the songs. I know I don't yet other than a small handful, but in time, I will.

Ayu's tracks have never really been earworms, at least to me, as a whole. She has had poppy tracks that have amazing hooks/choruses, but most artists I find that do the sort of music she does (aka what she likes, with specific goals for each song) put the "catchiness" on the backburner.

And honestly, aside from a few tracks every album, it always takes a while for me to remember the songs without listening to a bit of it first. It's not that strange unless you have an amazing aural memory.

Last edited by truehappiness; 13th May 2016 at 07:26 PM.
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Old 13th May 2016, 07:37 PM
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Originally Posted by truehappiness View Post
IMO, if there are issues with recollecting the songs, just put it down for a bit. It's only been a few days, you're not going to remember all the songs. I know I don't yet other than a small handful, but in time, I will.

Ayu's tracks have never really been earworms, at least to me, as a whole. She has had poppy tracks that have amazing hooks/choruses, but most artists I find that do the sort of music she does (aka what she likes, with specific goals for each song) put the "catchiness" on the backburner.

And honestly, aside from a few tracks every album, it always takes a while for me to remember the songs without listening to a bit of it first. It's not that strange unless you have an amazing aural memory.
Yeah it has always taken me time to remember songs. Definitely more than one listen. Whether that has been songs I've seen her release over time or me discovering her older music when I did become a fan.

If I could remember the chorus or verses of a song more easily, it was probably because we got previews of that song beforehand. Whether through small sound clips, commercials, etc. And by replaying those preview clips, even if short, that would obviously make a lot of the full song (mostly the chorus) more memorable when I hear the full thing. But other songs on the album that wouldn't get such promotion or previews in general would take the normal amount of time/repetitions for me to remember the chorus and what not.

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Old 13th May 2016, 09:32 PM
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does anyone know how japanese people reacted to the new album? its not that im courious but i would realy love to hear that they feel good about the albu!

I want to turn into a flower, grow thorns,
wither, fall and rot away
Don’t pick me up, leave me
Forget me

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Old 13th May 2016, 10:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Corvina View Post
I disagree here. Her older tracks tend to leave a memorable first impression and I still remember that very well. Even younger rock tracks like Microphone and talkin' 2 myself got stuck in my head. I love FLOWER and Mad World, but I can't really remember them not listening, especially not after first listen. And that's a quite big flaw for her last releases (A One, Sixxxxxx and now Made in Japan), having problems recalling how the songs go.
Yeah, this is what I meant.
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Old 13th May 2016, 11:36 PM
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I'm so surprised that people are really disliking "You are the only one" ... it is definitely one of my favorites. I haven't listened to the album fully enough to develop a strong opinion because I've been bogged down in work and other things but that song to me stuck out..... I love ballads though so much. I want to see all of these songs performed live!
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Old 13th May 2016, 11:49 PM
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One thing that irks me about MIJ's tracks is (I'll try to explain like this): the verses and pre-choruses (FLOWER) tend to go on Path A, and when the chorus hits, I expect them to continue on Path A but they go Path B instead and I'm left like "ooh, were you going, this is the right way *points to Path A*".

It's the same thing that happened to me with Terminal and it still annoying me.
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Old 14th May 2016, 12:20 AM
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not gonna rate them.

tasky - leaves me wanting more. like Not yet, the build up to electronic is just amazing. the shamisen leaves me with that flavor we've been all waiting before the release.

FLOWER - the way she sings the verses is my favorite thing about this. the chorus is powerful and angry, the lyrics and its symbolism are so beautiful. totally blew me as an album opener.

Mad World - this is so pleasant to the ears. I feel like when I heard GUILTY for the first time: she's being so sincere and I can really feel her emotion through the songs, this album opens with an emotional bang. the way she questions how she's still seen as a person and artist in the lyrics is so dark, it feels like the same person from ASFXX, but not questioning herself.

Breakdown - I always wanted her to have a song with this title, and the lyrics make totally sense with it; she misses someone now. "Your back is small and helpless as always, but it looks even smaller now, almost transparent" makes me so sad I can totally relate to this song. the melody is very sad, I don't know how to express this thought, but it's like still alone for me, it carries all of her emotions from the lyrics, which are sad as fuck.

Survivor - this song gives me strong INSPIRE vibes, but the lyrics are soooooo blunt. she's spilling her truth and I'm loving it. people may see the chant or other things cheesy in this song but I find it very powerful and contributes a lot to the vibe.

You are the only one - this is some next level shit. holy fuck. Ayu and her power to blew me away every time I think she's not capable of it anymore. I honestly teared up listening to this one: melody, lyrics, vocals, everything is on point. the beginning of the song hits me right there - it feels like I am... again. a standout track for sure. completely slayed by this.

TODAY - the lyrics are the strong point of this song imo. she made it very simple for us to understand what she means and with a melody like that, it's very easier imo.

Mr. Darling - the lyrics don't impress me that much but they're so cute, the song is so enjoyable that I love it anyway. it feels like the person from the beginning of the album is happy and calm now. Ayu is very inspired in this album.

Summer Love - it's a cute summer song but I hope this doesn't get a MV. lol. I love the EDM-y feeling of it but I'm not totally crazy about it. it feels like a strong ending for the album though, I love the way she ends this one with SL and MCM.

Many Classic Moments - I simply don't have anything to complain about this song. it feels fresh and it's where she succeeds the most imo.
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Old 14th May 2016, 12:28 AM
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Originally Posted by RealLight View Post
One thing that irks me about MIJ's tracks is (I'll try to explain like this): the verses and pre-choruses (FLOWER) tend to go on Path A, and when the chorus hits, I expect them to continue on Path A but they go Path B instead and I'm left like "ooh, were you going, this is the right way *points to Path A*".

It's the same thing that happened to me with Terminal and it still annoying me.
I feel that Ayu is really against predictable development in songs lately, which is why we get so much of the veering "off course" in chorus nowadays.

Originally Posted by Kilyk View Post
I'm so surprised that people are really disliking "You are the only one" ... it is definitely one of my favorites. I haven't listened to the album fully enough to develop a strong opinion because I've been bogged down in work and other things but that song to me stuck out..... I love ballads though so much. I want to see all of these songs performed live!
Actually, I think most people love it! In the other thread a lot of people were gushing over it.
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Old 14th May 2016, 12:52 AM
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Originally Posted by truehappiness View Post
I feel that Ayu is really against predictable development in songs lately, which is why we get so much of the veering "off course" in chorus nowadays.

Last edited by RealLight; 14th May 2016 at 01:01 AM.
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Old 14th May 2016, 01:31 AM
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Yes, I don't really see what pointing that out does though.

She's probably not going to go back to the usual melodies that progress simply.
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