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Old 25th October 2011, 11:37 PM
ComatoseBunnySnatcher ComatoseBunnySnatcher is offline
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Originally Posted by isthisLOL? View Post
Why should Shuya care that western fans are oversensitive and take every small thing(that is absolutely meaningless in their culture) as being "respectless"?
Because he is part of Ayu's team, therefore a reflection of her?

If japanese fans want to raise an uproar because ayu couldn't make it back to japan to record a live I think western fans can get bothered by something just as rediculous.
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Old 25th October 2011, 11:45 PM
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Originally Posted by ComatoseBunnySnatcher View Post
Because he is part of Ayu's team, therefore a reflection of her?

If japanese fans want to raise an uproar because ayu couldn't make it back to japan to record a live I think western fans can get bothered by something just as rediculous.
ayu had a picture of her pointing middle finger at the press during red carpet at the mtv asia awards'02 but nobody cares too ^^ (she's smiling happily =D )
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Old 25th October 2011, 11:48 PM
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Well I thought the middle finger was just funny. It doesn't take a great deal of common sense to realize that he didn't mean "**** you, audience." It's not a big deal.

It would've been trashy if he pulled an R.Kelly.

To those of you who knows what I'm talking about, hi5

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Old 25th October 2011, 11:52 PM
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I like this concert
it's so refreshing with new arrangment but one thing i hate bout it is how they shoot this concert..
They shoot it from far away n make it like a fan cam..n rarely close it up..

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Old 25th October 2011, 11:56 PM
isthisLOL? isthisLOL? is offline
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^ I think the reason for that is that far-away angles are more "safe" for live broadcasts. You know you ALWAYS show what's going on, with many close-ups you can easily miss something important and cutting can be more tricky.

Originally Posted by ComatoseBunnySnatcher View Post
Because he is part of Ayu's team, therefore a reflection of her?

If japanese fans want to raise an uproar because ayu couldn't make it back to japan to record a live I think western fans can get bothered by something just as rediculous.
Because some japanese people are stupid we can be stupid, too? OK, I guess arguing with you doesn't make sense.

Fact is: It is only offensive in some(not even all, it's only really offensive in the US afaik, but EVERYTHING is offensive in the US, we just laugh about it here) western cultures, the concert did not happen in a western country, it happened in a place where it means nothing. It was done by a person that grew up in a culture it means nothing in. If YOU decide to be offended that's your own fault for either being oversensitive or simply not understanding that cultures differ. Why should someone in Japan care if a handful Americans(not even all of them) are offended when everybody else pretty much isn't? The 6.7 billion people that are not American don't give a ****.

Last edited by isthisLOL?; 26th October 2011 at 12:00 AM.
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Old 26th October 2011, 12:01 AM
ComatoseBunnySnatcher ComatoseBunnySnatcher is offline
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Originally Posted by isthisLOL? View Post
Because some japanese people are stupid we can be stupid, too? OK, I guess arguing with you doesn't make sense.

Fact is: It is only offensive in some(not even all, it's only really offensive in the US afaik, but EVERYTHING is offensive in the US, we just laugh about it here) western cultures, the concert did not happen in a western country, it happened in a place where it means nothing. It was done by a person that grew up in a culture it means nothing in. If YOU decide to be offended that's your own fault for either being oversensitive or simply not understanding that cultures differ. Why should someone in Japan care if a handful Americans are offended when everybody else pretty much isn't?
The way I and some others take his behavior, if its stupid, shouldn't matter to you then.
We're just a bunch of retarded americans according to you right?
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Old 26th October 2011, 12:15 AM
isthisLOL? isthisLOL? is offline
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Originally Posted by ComatoseBunnySnatcher View Post
The way I and some others take his behavior, if its stupid, shouldn't matter to you then.
We're just a bunch of retarded americans according to you right?
Oh I see, you can over-generalize, too
I said that it's only really offensive in American culture, not that all Americans are idiots. My boyfriend is American so don't act like I'm some racist.
I do find it stupid to get offended by something that was clearly not meant to offend anyone though and that's just what I see in this thread from a handful of people. Just because it is offensive in your culture does not mean it's anything offensive in itself. Someone from a country far away doesn't have to care if less than 5% of the world's population, less than 5% that aren't even the main audience, might or might not be offended.
If an American did it on American television it would have been different(though even then reactions would have probably become overdramatic), but this was a Japanese doing it in a Japanese concert that was streamed over the internet - NOT exclusively to the USA, but to everybody who wanted to watch it. And the gesture was directed not at the people watching it over the internet, but either someone on stage or the audience. If anything, they should be offended - but have you heard of any drama about it? No?
If sitting down on a chair was offensive in say....I don't know....some random country far away, should I only be allowed to sit on the ground because someone from there might see it and get offended? Come on.
I'm German, so should any Nazi symbolism - like in Ladies Night for example - offend me? No, because I know it's not meant to be offensive and it's not offensive in that part of the world.
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Old 26th October 2011, 12:33 AM
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Hey, there are other westerners than just "retarded americans" around. And it's very offensive in other countries than just North America. If I recall correctly, someone was shot because he showed someone the underside of his shoe by accident -apparently that is like showing people your middle finger in some countries. Arabic, I think?

And isn't this just a matter of how you (regardless of where you are from) choose to overlook these little things.

You two are taking things too far and too seriously anyway. Japan has a knack for doing insane and very offensive things, that makes flicking someone off in the middle of a concert seem like nothing at all. You'll just have to deal with it.

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Old 26th October 2011, 12:44 AM
isthisLOL? isthisLOL? is offline
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Why do people act like I brought up "retarded americans", the american brought that up, not me. I never generalized all Americans. And you really can't count non-industrial countries when talking about what is offensive or not - acceptable or not when you compare to first world countries. There's still a few countries that hang homosexuals for example. And no, I am not being racist by saying this. It's a fact. And it's not because I think people are any worse there than in other countries, it's just that in history progress and wealth always came first and those countries didn't have that yet mostly(or are in the first stages of it).
And while it still may be offensive in other countries I have yet to see another country that makes a big fuss around it. I don't think another first world country for example censors middle fingers on TV. If anything it is a personal insult in other countries, something the person it is directed at can get offended about, not others.

And I'm not overlooking it, I see it as what it is and that is nothing to get offended over. It wasn't even DIRECTED AT US. It was a middle finger directed at a japanese audience(or japanese staff members on stage) by a japanese person. Note: japanese. A culture in which, as explained by both Japanese and westerners living in Japan, it is not offensive. We don't even know if it was meant to offend someone or jokingly.
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Old 26th October 2011, 12:57 AM
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Wait hold it and slow down. Why would anyone accuse you of being "racist" for mentioning that some countries apply the death penalty to people who're homosexual?

And I can read, thank you. I know it was "the american" (ComatoseBunnySnatcher is his username btw) who mentioned that. I was half kidding, but you seem to be way too much into this discussion to realize that.

I don't think an entire country made a fuss about it, did they? Just a few people thought it was off. And that is not the fault of a landmass, but a lack of common sense in those that do. I think most AHS'ers thought it was kinda funny and was surprised.

And I don't think at all it was meant to offend anyone. I don't think anyone with moderate amounts of common sense think that he purposedly did it to offend.

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Old 26th October 2011, 03:21 AM
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Are you guys STILL talking about this?


Well the media hasn't said anything about it yet, and they'll do anything to discredit Ayu in any way...so, obviously, it wasn't some kind of hugely offensive thing.

And wow, some of you...I've lost some respect for you, not that you guys probably care...but...You know, this is a forum for people all around the world. As such, it would be a good idea to leave some of your preconceived notions about other cultures, out of your posts.

There's a time and place for trying to talk about the "truth" you know? And there's also a way to go about it.

I would just, advise that some of you use more caution. Just a suggestion.

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Old 26th October 2011, 03:41 AM
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^ I was thinking the same thing...
Still... come on!

We don't even know the context in how it happened... We have something like a six second clip of the man tripping and then pointing his middle finger out into the crowd... THAT tells us nothing!!
You know how many people point with that finger??? most likely millions of people, even Americans do it!
Get over it!

Besides that... the concert was rather great, can't wait for the DVD
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Old 26th October 2011, 09:54 AM
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Am I the only one who thinks it's hilarious?!
I keep on looking at that gif and it makes me laugh everytime. I love it.

And OMG yes! I can't wait for the Blu-ray to release! It will be epic!

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AHS married to Maro

We had such a nice time. We started dating in t2m PV, took it slow you know, let our love grow. Then it got really serious in 2008. Then after AT2009 we moved in together. It was lovely. Then on AT2010 he asked me to marry him. He was such a sweet. And Ayu gave us our blessings. She was also such a sweet. Now me and Maro are such a sweets together. Aaaw, how time flies.
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Old 26th October 2011, 03:43 PM
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People, get over it. Move on. Why do you guys even bother arguing over the Internet? You don't know these people. Who cares. I get your point, isthisLOL?, but please just drop it before you say anymore potentially misunderstood statements. I admit I got a good laugh out of this discussion but seriously, people, shut up, move on, and discuss something worth discussing.

Thank you.

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Old 26th October 2011, 04:05 PM
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By now Shuya has to be the biggest troll ever He trolled you guys lolol
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Old 26th October 2011, 04:39 PM
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the situation was probably like, Shu-ya was dancing and he slipped/missed a step. maybe someone Maro/whoever, or a stage member or someone laughed at him (as in someone he actually knew) and he flipped it for fun... that's what I do all the time -_-


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Old 26th October 2011, 04:52 PM
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same here. And I think it happens what you have said, I don't really think Shu-ya meant to be disprecteful to the audience.
But there's enough drama about this here :/ and I still don't get WHY, seriously.

BTW I finally got some time to watch PoM streaming's rip (thanks to Kinix ) and I was stunned.
Her voice were great, maybe sometimes she was screaming instead of singing but I really love it. M, forgiveness and Mirrorcle World new arrangements was amazing.
Cannot wait for the DVD release and I'm still hoping for an album release of PoM.

Last edited by Kazeyomi; 26th October 2011 at 04:55 PM.
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Old 26th October 2011, 06:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Heavenly View Post
For Godsake can we stop speak about this ******* finger at the end ?!
It's nothing but pointless to me.

Yes, he did it.
No consequences for the moment.
OK, move on now.
Everyone has their right of expressing themselves and it's definitely not about you finding it pointless that people still speak about it, no one cares if you find it pointless, at least I don't.

Originally Posted by isthisLOL? View Post
Why should Shuya care that western fans are oversensitive and take every small thing(that is absolutely meaningless in their culture) as being "respectless"?
Another stereotype, hello there!

edit; to stay OT:
I like the new arrangement M got, It really turned M from a "Cold" song to a Rock kind of song. I dislike the other changes she has made ex. the trumpets replacing the strings / violins. progress was a song I looked for to be sung live for a very long time. I never could be anymore disappointed.
It's so strange that lately she sounds so "different" (aka bad) when performing live as compared to a few years back. I always keep telling people that ayumi hamasaki sounds the same live as she does on the studio mix version of the song, but now It doesn't even seem like she is even able to do so.
However, I liked the epic intro (It was forgiveness if I'm right).

Last edited by RayJason; 26th October 2011 at 07:12 PM.
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Old 26th October 2011, 07:24 PM
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Old 26th October 2011, 08:04 PM
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It would be awesome if she released a live CD for this tour. I would buy it in a heartbeat!
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